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There's a smile on his face, and this time, I see it to be completely different than the ones I've seen him offer. It's not real. Doused only in charisma, there's no sense of emotion in it.

It's what a noble such as himself would give others he wishes to depart from but wishes to remain polite to. His posture speaks to discomfort, as if he doesn't like the idea of having this conversation.

Right now, he doesn't seem to have the aura of the prince Alister I have become familiar with. The young prince who looked at me with eyes as cold and apathetic as my own seems to have made way for a...dare I say, unguarded one.

I look him up and down again. It's this time I notice the slightly dark circles around his eyes. What was he doing to be in such a state?

My brows furrow. Why is he causing further discomfort to himself by telling me? Before I can change the subject, give him a chance to slip away, he seems to be a mile ahead of my lips and already speaking.

"It is some similarity to my case, I suppose. To some extent."

I cock my head. I've known since I met him that he's an ability user, something about the energy around him giving it away. Looking at him now, somehow that energy is more prevalent. The air around him is dark. Is it because I've fully manifested that I can see it?

"Whilst the mana in you was piling up until recently, desperate to be released, I presented much earlier than most do." He informs, walking close to where I sit to stand beside me and look to the trees and lake by the gazebo. "My mana was leaking for as long as I could remember, too much for me to maintain until it all poured out one day."

Presented earlier?

A chill runs down my spine. The earliest manifest would be at the age of seven. Earliest. And that already from what six tells me, is difficult for a child to handle. They experience fevers and sickness until their body can adapt. It's already painful enough for a child, especially depending on their ability and how much mana they have.

Some don't make it out alive.

How much mana did the prince have for him to present so early?

I glance at him, asking questions I shouldn't. "At what age?"

A cold look passes his eyes. "Five."

A silence slips between us. We keep it for as long as I can last. I'm not sure what I should say next. He's alive and well, considering he's right in front of me. But do I express sympathy for him, and what he went through? I don't think it's fair for me to pick and choose when I can express emotion with him.

I nearly sigh from the relentless questions in my mind. That he invokes them makes me hate him all the more. It feels like I'm always doing something wrong with him. And after I only came here to apologise...

"Ah." I realise.

He blinks at me. "Is everything alright, my lady?"

Standing up and holding my sword in my hand, I turn to look at him. "I...originally came here to apologise." I say, the thought suddenly dawning on me.

"Apologise?" His voice is as confused as his expression.

I nod. "It seems I got distracted from my goal." I don't miss the amusement before it vanishes again. So quick with his emotions. "You shouldn't have had to deal with me whilst I manifested. For putting you in such a situation, I ask that you forgive me."

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now