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The estate lies silent under the cover of darkness as the moon bathes the world in its gentle glow. It's midnight, and a sense of stillness hangs in the air, broken only by the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze. It is the perfect time for a solitary wander through the vast expanse of the duchy's estate.

I've never been one to sleep much, and I find taking a walk in this estate gives me a sense of calm I'd be forcing by trying to sleep. It'd be a waste of time anyway.

I step out into the night, the coolness of the air kissing my skin. The moonlight guides my path as I navigate the familiar terrain with ease, leaving my room to explore the rest of the territory. The main estate, once bustling with activity, now rests in slumber, its perfection and majesty revealed in the quietude of night.

I stroll along the cobblestone pathways, my footsteps barely audible, slipping my cold hands into my pockets. The moon casts shadows, stretching them out before me.

The scent of night-blooming flowers lingers in the air, their delicate fragrance tickling my nose. Each breath I take is infused with a subtle sweetness. The gardens, once vibrant and alive, now slumber beneath the moon's watchful eye.

I manage come across an ornate fountain at the heart of the estate. Its waters shimmer, cascading gently into the basin below. I pause to admire the play of light and shadow, calmed by the repetitive movement of it going in and out. The sound of it is rather mesmerising, like a gentle lullaby. I'd like to hear such a thing if i was trying to sleep.

I see no reason Nirvana lived such a miserable life when all this was around her.

She had all the wealth she could wish for.

What more could someone desire?

As if her memories speak for her, I hear whispers of an answer in my own mind; companionship, friendship, love.

A foolish fantasy.

The distant hooting of an owl breaks the silence, reminding me of the untamed wilderness that lies beyond the estate's manicured grounds. It serves as a reminder that there is a grand forest beyond these walls. From what I've seen, barely a quarter of it has been explored.

As I make my way back around the main residence, the moon casts a final ethereal glow upon the estate. The shadows retreat, and a soft light begins to creep over the horizon, signalling the approaching dawn. It won't be more than half an hour more until morning comes.

As I make my way back, a figure emerges in line with my peripheral, and my eyes lift to meet ones that resemble mine briefly in colour.

In the sprawling grounds of the archducal estate, stands Felix. Dressed in attire that effortlessly blends casual comfort with refined taste, Felix emanates an air of effortless grace.

His garments, casual as they may be, drape his form with tailored precision. The fabric, as if kissed by moonlight itself, whispers with a soft rustle as he moves, an expression of foreboding trouble on his young face.

At his hip rests a sword, something i know is expected of all practising knights, especially sons of high noble families.The blade, gleams with a polished sheen, reflecting the radiance of his white silver eyes as it stays unsheathed by his side. His hair, a cascade of white like strands, frame his youthful face, an ethereal contrast to the depths of his gaze.

In his adolescent years, Felix certainly possesses the air expected of a ducal heir. I find I see why his father treasures him so much. His every gesture, every flicker of expression, reflects an underlying maturity and understanding that belies his youth.

In my mind, I hear whispers float through the corridors of the estate, murmurs of his heritage and the expectations that come with his noble lineage. But beneath the facade of refinement, I sense a sudden abundance of detachment at the sight of me. Never been one to even give his sister any form of negative emotion, just disregard and apathy.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now