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The candles flicker and glow in the dining room as I sit, not yet eating my meal.

As I patiently await Solaris's arrival, my anticipation is met with a sense of relief when I see her being guided by Six towards the dining table. Dressed in a beautiful blue dress that complements her hair and eyes, she radiates a delicate charm that warms my heart.

I find the emotion to be surprising even to me.

Six brings her all the way to her seat, but doesn't make a move to touch her. We've both noticed she's extremely averse to touch. Observing her flushed cheeks as she struggles to navigate the chair, I instinctively reach out to assist her. My hand extends, providing a steady support as she finds her balance and settles into the seat beside me. A small smile plays on my lips, a silent reassurance that I mean her no harm.

"T-thank you." Her voice is a whisper so low, that even in the silence of the room, I have to strain my ears to hear.

Once seated, we remain quiet. As we begin our meal, I am mindful of her presence, attuned to her needs and emotions in case she needs something. She doesn't show much in the ways of what she's thinking. A skill that a girl so young should never possess.

Seated at the dining hall, I attempt to engage in light dinner conversation, remembering Six's words from before. 'The little lady came to see you."

However, her quiet and reserved demeanor weighs heavily upon the atmosphere. She remains withdrawn, barely uttering a word even when spoken to directly. Concern lingers within me, an unexpected emotion that tugs at my heart.

I say what's truly on my mind instead of the small talk that's garnering no reaction from her. "Six told me you came to visit me."

She pauses, clenching her fork in a tight grip.
Before she can get the wrong idea, I quickly add, "Thank you for that." It's not what she's expecting, because once she processes my words, her eyes widen and she looks up at me, flushed cheeks and all.


I give her a smile. "I'm sure you've noticed-" I have no reason to treat her with children's gloves when she seems to understand so much. I have no doubt her experiences have shaped her to see more than most kids her age. "-Six and I are the only people in this manor. I don't have many by my side, especially ones who care enough to visit when I'm in such a vulnerable state."

She bites her lips.

"Whilst I'm a little displeased you had to see me sick, I'm...also glad that you came to check up on me." There's more silence. "Unless I'm wrong." I start. "-and you didn't come to check up-"

"No!" She blurts. "No, um..."

I wait, keeping quiet as she turns away.

"Then..you came to check on me?" I suggest. "Because you were worried?"

At first, I'm not sure if she's even going to dignify with a response, but just when I think she won't, she gives me the smallest of nods. So faint. An easily missed movement. But I see it for what it is.

An admission that perhaps something can develop between us.

"Then all I have to say is thank you."

While I continue to observe Solari's silence, Six attends to her with care, offering her plates of food. The nurturing presence she offers is a comforting sight, providing a gentle touch to Solaris's delicate existence. I cannot help but be struck by the depth of my worry for this young girl, whose presence in my life is still relatively new.

I've never given anything loving in my life, no matter how short lived it's been. I didn't think I would have to either. But all plans change, I suppose. Maybe I can help her live a life I was denied at her age.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now