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"Honour me with a dance, my lady?"

Obsidian eyes that are edged with silver and that glitter like the stars look up at me from a greeting bow.

Reluctantly, I take Prince Alister's hand as he extends it towards me, knowing that dancing with him is the more favourable choice compared to the alternative.

With Alister leading the way, we glide onto the dance floor, seamlessly joining the swirling couples around us. The melodies of the orchestra fill the grand hall, their enchanting notes setting the rhythm for our movements. As we begin to sway in time with the music, Alister's touch is firm yet gentle, guiding me effortlessly through the intricate steps.

The prince smiles briefly.

I glance at him. "Is there something that amuses you, my lord?"

He hums as he holds me in his arms. I'm trying to ignore his hands anywhere on me, and so far, I am doing a rather ideal and spectacular job. "Apologies. I merely didn't think you would accept my request for a dance. You seemed so displeased by the mere thought of it."

As the music fades into a soft melody, I find a moment of respite in our dance to voice my thoughts to Alister. I take a deep breath, choosing my words carefully as I speak to him, my voice barely audible over the gentle notes that linger in the air.

"I must confess that dancing with you is not a choice I make willingly." I admit, my tone tinged with honesty. "But compared to the alternative, it is a more preferable option."

I feel his grip on my hand tighten ever so slightly, his gaze fixed ahead as we continue to move gracefully across the dance floor. Alister's silence hints at an understanding, an unspoken acknowledgment of the intricacies of our situation.

"I don't know any of those lords that just approached me." I explain calmly. "Dancing with them is more troublesome than you, I admit." The only problem now is what am i to do once our dance finishes?

Alister's response is a faint nod, a subtle agreement that lingers between us. Though I detect a hint of disappointment in his eyes, he seems to understand the precariousness of my position and the necessity for strategic choices.

I must be imagining it.

"You seem to enjoy wearing heels so high. Do they not hurt?"

His sudden question throws me off guard, most definitely not one i expected him to ask. He twirls me for a moment before i'm forced to lean a hand on his chest again, a frown on my lips. "They do, i suppose." I answer him honestly, the least i can do for his help in getting away from overzealous lords. "But only because i'm not entirely used to them."

"They make you even taller than usual." He leans down for a moment, but his closeness is gone the second i turn to catch what has his attention. "It's a rarity to find someone who can look me in the eyes, let alone a lady."

I make an effort not to. "You needn't worry of such thing. I don't particularly have a desire to lock eyes with you often."

"Pfft." He chuckles. "I'm not sure this conversation of ours is going the way i wished it to." Prince Alister's laughter fills the air, resonating with a hint of amusement. His eyes sparkle with a mixture of intrigue and curiosity as he gazes at me.

"Where did you want it to go?" I ask against my better judgement. A fleeting silence falls upon us as the music guides our steps, the rhythm of the dance a comforting backdrop to our unspoken understanding.

"Most definitely not you telling me you don't wish to look at me."

I ignore his words, not explaining or starting a conversation around it. As the dance progresses, I hold onto the delicate balance between duty and personal desires, reminding myself that sometimes, even in the realm of nobility, compromise is necessary to safeguard one's own well-being. And as the music carries us forward, I keep an eye out for those around me, preparing for anything unexpected.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now