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As the presence of the mage fills the room, I turn my attention towards him, taking in his flowing white robes and the glimmering magic sceptre he holds with confidence. His middle-aged face, framed by dark hair, bears a smile that hints at a wealth of talents and abilities judging by the air around him.

The magic tower. An institution that not even the imperial family has any authority over. They're a separate part of the Aslan empire. But despite that, they serve the royal family, even if out of their own choices.

I've heard enough to know if it ever came to it, or if for some reason the tower found the emperor to be unfit, they would be allowed to back away without any drawback. They're an organisation where most if not the strongest mages gather, what good would it do the empire to anger the lord of tower?

This man, is their master? I observe him as best as I can. However, despite the air that surrounds him, my expression remains impassive, my gaze meeting his with a cool detachment. There is a wariness on my part, not knowing anything, if at all, about him.

His smile widens, undeterred by my lack of reciprocation. It's like he sees something that intrigues him even further. It has my expression souring, because i'm uncertain whether i appreciate the way he's watching me. It's rather unnerving.

I barely notice the arch duke sending him an almost similar expression.

But even with two people glaring at him, Lord Angus remains unaffected, smiling so much i can see flowers blooming around his dark head. "How are you feeling, Lady Nirvana?" He questions, moving across the room and leaning down to me.

"I'm well. Please move away from me." I reply, drawing back from him.

A charge of electricity sparks between us in warning.

"Woah!" He pulls back and stands up straight. "How impressive. You seem to have good control of your ability." He laughs, rubbing his beard. "It'll be useful with how much magic you seem to possess." He bellies a laugh. "You destroyed a good amount of the surrounding estate before I arrived and managed to place a protective barrier up."

".....I see." I turn away in disinterest. "I apologise for the inconvenience."

"Hmm. That's quite alright." He assures, humming. "I came all the way here but it seems to have been worth it to see so many interesting things."

Six comes back just as he's about to continue. She stands at the door and gives me a nod, about to escort me when we both notice Lord Angus blatantly staring at her. I frown at his focus, and it seems to unnerve Six even more.

I cough to break his daze.

"Oh my. Forgive this old man. I can't help but stare at times."

As if on cue, the arch duke rises from his seat. "We'll be waiting in the dining hall. You haven't eaten much and it's best you regain your strength." He slips his hands into his pockets and exits as gracefully as he left the room. I think for a moment that the grand master will follow him out, but he seems to stop right in front of Six.

"Pardon me, but you remind me of someone." He mumbles. Six stills as he waves a hand in front of himself in dismissal. "But that can't be. She quite sadly died."

I brandish a blade beneath my bed sheets.

Looking over his shoulder, he smiles brightly at me with a nod as if he didn't just hint what he did. Does he know who Six is? "I'll see you in the dining room, my lady." I'm certain I see his eyes glaze over where my right hand is beneath the bed sheets, but it's only for a brief moment and I have no way of confirming he knows how close he came to see death.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now