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I wander leisurely through the estate midday to clear my mind. The vibrant blooms of flowers sway gently in the breeze, casting a colourful canvas across the landscape. Lost in my thoughts, I barely notice the figures approaching until they come into clear view.

To my slight surprise, Grand Duke Kaiser and Prince Alister stop across from me. Prince Alister's eyes meet mine, observant in a way i'm never going to be comfortable with. Could his stare be anymore intense? We exchange a swift greeting, acknowledging each other's presence in this shared moment.

"It is a pleasure to see you both." I give bow before standing back up straight.

Lord Kaiser looks to me and nods, a smile on his face. He's a handsome looking man, and I find the air around him so opposite to the rumours that rage about him being a beast when battling. "Ah, Lady Nirvana. The pleasure is ours." He says, hand on his sword attached to his hip.

A notion that soldiers tend to have. He looks relaxed and laid back, but I have no doubts that he is constantly on guard, no matter if he is no longer in hostile territory. Just as I am about to continue on my way, the grand duke's voice cuts through the tranquil air, resonating with unexpected warmth.

"My lady, would you care to join us for tea? We could use some company."

His invitation catches me off guard, momentarily rendering me speechless. The grand duke is not known for extending such gestures, and Prince Alister's presence adds the same to the situation.

They are much alike if you ignore how Lord Kaiser seems to have no issues smiling and showing expression. As kind as he may be outward, he's never extend such a courtesy to me before. Not once in all of my memories.

As the grand duke extends his invitation for tea, a sigh escapes inwardly within the confines of my thoughts. Despite the outward courtesy I display, my inner reluctance remains concealed from the piercing gazes of both the grand duke and his son. The weight of their scrutinising stares feels burdensome, as if Prince Alister derives some sort of twisted pleasure from observing my every move.

Suppressing my unease, I accept the invitation with a polite smile, concealing the disinterest that tugs at the corners of my heart. "Thank you, Your Grace. I would be honoured to join you."

The grand duke's dark eyes, filled with an intensity that unnerves me, seem to hold opinions I am not privy to nor do I wish to be. As we navigate the path toward the tea pavilion, the atmosphere becomes suffocating, filled with unspoken tension and unexplored motivations.

The vibrant hues of the flower fields blur before my eyes, their beauty momentarily eclipsed by the weight of this unexpected encounter.

As we make our way toward the elegant tea pavilion nestled amidst the blossoms, my mind can't help the questions rising. What could have prompted this sudden invitation? Is it just for leisure or is there something they want from me? The answer to the second question can't possibly be yes considering i should have nothing to offer them. I tread cautiously, heading into territory i can't think the outcome of.

The grand duke and Prince Alister guide me to a table adorned with porcelain teacups and a steaming pot of fragrant tea. It's clear it was prepared for them and they were heading there before they encountered me. We settle into our seats, the atmosphere laden with a mix of formality and grace.

As we settle around the ornate table, the grand duke's eyes remain fixed upon me, his penetrating gaze delving into the depths of my soul. Prince Alister's silence amplifies the disquietude that swirls between us, as he too stares. Is this a hobby or something? I look away from them both. The porcelain teacups and fragrant brew hold little allure, overshadowed by the palpable tension that lingers in the air.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now