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As it turns out, my presence at the Silverstone Grand Duchy wasn't merely a suggestion. Due to how important the eldest child of the grand duchy's birthday is, with many high ranked nobles being present, it won't look good for me not to go. Even before I became Nirvana, she was only ever present for important gatherings she couldn't avoid.

The day for us to depart from the estate comes, and thankfully, I'm able to head there with my own carriage. Six accompanies me for the journey, and we arrive a couple of days later at the main imperial city of the Aslan empire.

The Silverstone arch Duchy doesn't reside in the city, having a territory they personally control over, but like most high ranking nobles, they own palace properties in and out of the city. As we arrive, the bustling sound of carriages and chatter permit the carriage.

Six stares out of the window.

I know she's still dazed over what happened the night before.

"I've managed to find a crystal to test you, my lady." Six comes to stand by me as I train outside in the green scape of the manor.

I blink toward her, swinging my sword before placing it back in the scabbard. There's a slight look of thought on my face as she approaches me. I think to ask her what I'm meant to do with it when I ask instead, "Is there something you'd like to say, Six?"

She jumps. "Ah, Um-"

"Speak up." I give her a look.

Again, she's hesitant, but she scratches her masked cheek and musters up the courage to ask. "Y-you've told me to practise my ability. To see what the limitations of it are."

I arch a brow, not following. Yes, I gave her the order that I want her practising her magic. So far, she's made me aware that with much focus, she can see through the eyes of others, but only if she's managed to touch them. She can also summon an almost video image of what someone else is doing, but is limited by time.

Her power intrigues me. I find that even with the limitations, it can be powerful once harnessed. Also, she's told me that her family's archives aren't at one physical location. With even a surprise to me, she's able to touch any door in my manor and once the doors open, the room turns into a never ending library. One I've used to my advantage. I asked her if she was alright with letting me witness everything her family has collected, but she surprised me instead.

"You are my mistress. Just like my loyalties lie with who you are loyal to, your knowledge will lie with what I know. And more."

"I've read about something in my family's books. It's... using my sight to try and see your aura of sorts. Before you use the crystal..."

"You want to see if you can decipher if I have an ability or not?"

She nods quickly. I hold out my hand. "Eh? You don't mind?"

"Why would I? If you are going to continue being by my side, I need you to develop skill quickly." I gesture to my hand. "It will be useful to the both of us if you get a grasp on your power."

Moving to sit on a bench, I let her hold my hand. She caresses my palm for a moment, and after a few moments pass, I see her eyes begin to glow.

I still when she suddenly gasps away from me. I feel a current run through my hand to hers, and she stares at me with a wide eyes. "W-what was that?" I recall the events of the other night. Something tells me it wasn't a coincidence. This time, I explain everything that occurred that night to her in detail.

"Electricity?" She repeats. "Y-" A bright light enters her eyes as she looks back down at me again. This time, she gasps. "It looks...it looks like electricity, my lady. Like..like lightning."

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now