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Papers shuffle under my fingers, the sound crisp and reassuring. The clock on the wall ticks away, lulling me into a sense of concentration. My office is bathed in warm sunlight from the streams through the open curtains. The gentle swaying of the fabric creates a dance of light and shadow on the polished wooden floor.

Outside, the world seems to pause for a moment. I hear the soft rustle of leaves in the garden, the faint chirping of birds in the distance. The curtains billow inward, bringing with them the whispers of the breeze.

I lean back in my leather chair, the creak of its well-worn frame harmonising with the quiet symphony of my workspace. The papers in front of me hold the weight of decisions that i am lining up for my next move. I've been losing rest over them, making sure that everything is immaculate so the aren't any problems down the road.

As I sift through the sheets, my mind races with calculations, strategies, and considerations. The soft winds carry with them a sense of clarity, urging me to approach these matters with careful focus. My desk is littered with drafts upon drafts, repetitively written to make sure i haven't missed anything. I can't afford to...

The rustling of papers fills my ears as I pore over the documents scattered in front of me for what feels like another hour. A faint rustle of fabric, nearly imperceptible, reaches my ears. My senses sharpen instantly. Someone is here, and they didn't use the door.

I don't need to look up to know who it is. Shade moves like a whisper in the night. Her arrival is silent, her presence a mere shadow in my peripheral vision. When i briefly glance at her, she's dressed in her usual leathers, paired with a corseted top that speaks of both grace and danger. Though her weapons remain concealed, I make it a priority to know where they are.

She's like an arsenal..

I turn my eyes back on the documents, somewhat maintaining a semblance of my earlier concentration . "I didn't expect you back so soon," I remark casually, my voice betraying nothing beyond a casual interest in the topic.

Shade's voice, soft and slightly amused, breaks the silence, "I'm known for my efficiency, my lady." Her tone may be teasing, but I also hear the confidence and pride she boasts. Feelings she has a right to based on her skills alone.

I can almost feel her piercing gaze on me, dissecting every nuance, every hidden motive as I answer. "I have no doubts." I reply. "Your services wouldn't be useful if I did."

The sound of her boots penetrate the silence like blades through flesh. I catch the scent of her, she smells like steel and chrysanthemums. Not a combination I thought to put a name to.

She scoffs, moving further into the room. "And yet somehow my abilities seem to be mute when it comes to this task you've given me." Her finger taps on her arm as she crosses them over her chest. "I didn't think you wanted me to commit treason when you said you had means for me to repay you. Spying on the royal family is a capital offence."

I arch a brow as I place down a document. "Is the task not to your liking? You hardly seem like you care about the law." My fingers intertwine as I lean my elbows on the table, my chin on linked hands.

"I don't." When she replies, I imagine sharp teeth beneath her mask. "It's more interesting than I expected, though. I'll admit that much." A small laugh escapes her. "You're an intriguing woman."

"In other words, this is fun for you."

"I'm not sure I appreciate how well you're reading me."

I hum. "How goes your observation of the queen then? You have yet to tell me." I inquire, giving her my full attention.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now