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As we make our way to the garden for the grand meal, the evening's splendour continues to unfold before us. The garden, bathed in twinkling lanterns and the gentle flicker of candlelight, is a breathtaking sight to behold. Fragrant blooms of various hues adorn the landscape, creating a mesmerising tapestry of colours and scents.

Long tables, meticulously set with fine porcelain, crystal glasses, and gleaming silverware, are arranged beneath an open canopy adorned with billowing silk drapes. I honestly could not have planned it better. 

As we take our seats, I find myself flanked by Dahlia and Regina, their elegant presence offering both support and companionship. The other ladies, still abuzz with the enchantment of the evening, fill the seats around us. Laughter and animated conversations fill the air as they chat about the exquisite surroundings and the memorable moments of the grand debut.

The lavish meal, presented with artistic flair, is a culinary masterpiece. Each course is a symphony of flavours, and the ladies indulge in the decadent cuisine, savouring every bite as they continue to revel in the magnificence of it all. The distraction provided by the garden's beauty and the sumptuous meal ensures that Lady Irene's earlier attempts to cast doubt and insinuate herself into the evening's proceedings are all but forgotten.

The ladies are engrossed in their own conversations, their attention diverted by the grandeur of the occasion.

At least until i ask for their attention during dessert.

Dahlia sips on her tea, silently watching how things will unfold. She's curious, trusting in what I desire to do. Regina is more pensive. Beyond those eyes of hers, lie a wheel of potential outcomes of what could occur.

I'm fully aware what to expect.

With a calm and elegant manner, I raise my glass, gently tapping it with a silver knife. The melodious chime captures the attention of the ladies gathered around, and gradually, the lively conversations come to a hushed pause. "Ladies," I begin, my voice carrying effortlessly through the garden, "There is something i'd like to address before leaving here tonight. It seems that Lady Irene," I nod in her direction, acknowledging her presence, "had shared a rather intriguing piece of information earlier."

Irene's composed expression wavers for a brief moment, an imperceptible crack in her facade. Whilst it wasn't difficult changing the topic earlier when it came up, it wasn't necessarily simple either. For me to so willingly bring attention back to this rumour, one would see it as a risk to myself and my reputation. Especially considering the rumour is so very true.

But my gaze remains steady, and I continue, "She mentioned that I have no plans to take over my family's responsibilities and position as the head of the Sinclair family."

A ripple of curiosity and anticipation sweeps through my guests, their eyes locked on me, waiting for my next words. "I must confess there is honesty in it."

The reaction is immediate and palpable. Gasps of surprise ripple through the gathered women, and a cacophony of questions bursts forth like a cascade of curiosity.

"Is this true?"

"But why, Lady Nirvana?"

"What sort of noble would refuse to inherit their heritage?"

I stop them before they continue, having every intention of getting this little matter over with. . "My decision is not one made lightly, but it is a choice that I believe is in the best interest of both the Sinclair family and myself."

"For the Sinclair family? How could not doing your duty to your family be for them?" Lady Irene's question, though seemingly earnest, carries an undercurrent of manipulation that I can't help but detect.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant