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In the empire, there are zones that are considered to be especially dangerous. Mainly due to them being habitats of a large population of beasts and monsters. From what I've learned, there are more than a dozen of these zones in the imperial city alone, and more than most can name in the empire.

One of those forbidden forests stretches before me, its dense canopy casting an eerie twilight over the realm. Whispers of dark magic linger in the air, woven into the very fabric of this treacherous domain. Each step I take is accompanied by a sense of foreboding, a plethora of lethal creatures lurk, thirsting for the blood of unwary trespassers.

The heart of the kraken beast. A job posting placed in the hall of a public guild. A place I have found myself to be frequenting as of late. The only way for me to make a plan, is to make sure I have all the cards on the field. I need to be aware of how such places function, hence why I was at the hall. I've actually noticed it's not as different as i had assumed it would be.

This job posting was merely intriguing.

As I venture deeper into the heart of the forest, the signs of peril become increasingly evident. Remnants of past encounters with the magical beasts lie scattered on the forest floor-skeletal remains and decaying carcasses, silently warning of the dangers that lie ahead.

Shafts of ethereal moonlight filter through the dense foliage, illuminating the twisted forms of ancient trees that stand sentinel amidst the shadows. Their gnarled branches reach out like depraved fingers, as if beckoning me deeper into the abyss.

Sinister whispers dance on the wind, carrying the echoes of twisted magic. Strange and otherworldly creatures slink through the underbrush, their eyes aglow with an unholy light. They move with an eerie grace, their forms a twisted fusion of predatory instincts and arcane magic.

Where is this stupid octopus exactly..

I'm beginning to get bored, and extremely annoyed. Every sound-a rustle of leaves, a distant growl, a mournful howl-is doing nothing but grating on already thin nerves. As I delve further into the depths, I am acutely aware that every step brings me closer to the heart of the Kraken I plan to take back to the guild, mainly for the purpose of the reward I shall be bestowed after.

Silent as a wraith, I tread carefully through the forbidden forest, shrouded in darkness. My senses keen, I observe the demonic beasts that prowl the depths of this cursed domain. Their grotesque forms and menacing eyes hold no sway over me as i glare back at them. They quickly slicker back to their hovels.

This beast had better provide a little entertainment. The challenge before me is hardly formidable, so i'm hoping it will do more and impress me, at least for a few minutes. That should certainly lift my mood.

Thankfully, I draw nearer to a lake. The darkness envelops me like a cloak, concealing my form amidst the undergrowth. The rhythmic beating of my heart is drowned out by the whispers of the night, the rustling of leaves, and the distant howls of the creatures that dwell in nearly ever corner.

With the lake now in sight, its surface mirroring the starlit sky above, I stop a ways back, merely observing. Here goes...Drawing upon my reserves of strength, both physical and mental, I prepare to plunge into the dark waters.

It's then I feel, rather than hear the presence of someone else in this forest besides I. For a moment, my eyes sharpen at the thought that I missed someone despite how close they are. But as I turn to look, the feeling turns into one of intrigue.

In the dim light of the moon, a lean shadow emerges. A woman... I muse. Her long, ink black hair cascades down her shoulders, framing a face concealed behind a pale white mask. The mask, smooth and featureless, obscures perfectly, leaving no glimpses of what lies beneath. But the intensity of her piercing purple eyes shines through, unable to be hidden away.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara