Chapter Twenty

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I grabbed Blayke's hand walking into the dining hall, I sat across from the new people "i'm sorry about your friend,we know what thats like" Rick said "Hershel said you could use some extra hands. We're no stranger at hard work, We'll go out and get our own food, stay out of your hair. You got a problem with another group, we'll help with that too. Anything to contribute" Tyreese said Rick just looked through him then said"No" "Please. its like 10 little Indians out there. It's just us now" Sasha said "No" "let's talk about this. we can't just keep-" Hershel said "we've been through this. With Tomas, Andrew Look what happened" "Axel and Oscar weren't like them" Carol said "and where's Oscar now?!" Rick said "listen you heard him its time to go" I said standing up "shes right. I can't be responsible" RIck said "you turn us out, you are responsible" Tyreese said "Rick." Hershel said making Rick walk over to him "you've done so much for us. I appreciate that. We all do. We owe you our lives we've done everything you asked without question. And i'm telling you, you're wrong on this. You've got to start giving people a chance" he added. Rick sighed "yeah" looking up his face dropped "no no no no no no" he kept repating "why are you here?what do you want from me?" he said  "dad?" carl said "why are you--no" "Rick?" I walked closer putting my hand on his shoulder which threw off "I can't help you Get out" he yelled over and pointing a gun at them. 

I sat on the edge of the bottom of my cell bed, wiping tears from my eyes "hey," Glenn said sitting next to me "I wanted to check on you...see if you were okay" he added "two broken ribs is all. You?" "nothing broke for me" I nodded looking behind me to check on Blayke "i'll take first watch in the morning me and Blayke" "...i'm shouldn't have gone through that and i'm sorry I couldn't stop it from happening" "there's nothing you could do Glenn and you did everything you could've done and i'm very thankful for that" I laid my head on his shoulder "don't leave me please" I said starting to cry again "I would never even dream of it" "your like my brother you know that" I looked up at him "yeah I guess i have to be stuck with you sister" I laughed "be quiet i'm trying to sleep" Blayke said "she's just like her dad". Glenn kissed my cheek and told me good night before walking out of the cell and laying next to Blayke which she went right in my good side "goodnight my love" I kissed her head.

"you should be resting Y/n" Hershel said as I went to walk out the door "i'll be fine promise".Me and Blayke walked to the tower early that morning setting up in the smallish room and I gave her drawing books and markers.I always had AK-47 on watch or in my cell so that's what I had pointed in the yard over where Rick was. He walked out of the main gate.

>> Daryl's POV <<
(not word for word what happened)

"I shouldn't be out! I should be back with My Daughter and My fuckin' wife. Who I've already left once for you...If you were anybody else I would've put a bolt through your head after what you did to her beat her bloody" I shook my head "she's done nothing but be there for me, but give me a-a roof when you were doing god knows what!"

>> Y/n's POV <<

BOOM! BOOM! hit the tower "GET INSIDE!" I yelled to Blayke she ran inside the tower, I shoot down at where the line of fire was. I couldn't tell how fuckin' many of them they're were. I was out I ran in the tower grabbing more ammo "are you okay?" I asked Blayke she nodded "go all the way down the stairs,lay on the floor, lock the door" she nodded "you're going to be fine I promise" "okay.." "I love you" I kissed her head then she ran down. I went back shooting the guy firing at Hershel. Then it stopped for a minute. Fire then a truck heard from the road went right through the gate. Fuck I went back in the tower just an eye looking over. Walkers. I started shooting to cover Hershel and Michonne. 

I reloaded throwing it over my shoulder before running down the stairs, "there's walkers-" I went to tell Blayke when the door unlocked thanks to Carl "come on" Maggie grabbed her hand. I got my machete out and I killed as many that got in our way.I was in the back pain in my ribs everytime I  We walked through the main gate into the now only clear area outside. "Is everyone okay?" Rick asked as I look over to him I see Merle and Daryl back again "DADDY!" Blayke yelled running to her dad he picked her up putting her head in his shoulder his hand on the back of her head "i'm sorry honey.." he whispered to her "I missed you" she said into his shoulder "I missed you too" he kissed her head "go with your uncle Rick I got to talk to mommy" he added. "we'll talk later" I said "any broken bones?.. are you okay? what did Hershel say?" he asked looking over me "just  two broken ribs and pretty deep cut on my shoulder" "...i'm really sorry" "I said we'll talk later" I patted his shoulder.


I Still Love Ya// Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now