Chapter Five

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Time skip----

To the farm----

lori and rick came out the door "how is he?" carol asked about carl "hes going to be fine thanks to hershel and his people" lori said. "hi i'm y/n" i said and stuck my hand out to the short haired brunette and long hair blonde. "hi i'm maggie and this is beth. were hershels daughters " she shook my hand then got down to blaykes eye level "whats your name darlin" maggie said , b looked up at me "you can talk to her" i said to her "my names blayke and my middle names elizabeth too it was my daddy mommys name so it's kinda like Beth" "yeah it is!thats so cool nice to meet you blayke" she shook blaykes hand "blayke i have some old dolls would you like to play with them" beth asked "yess" she said and smiled.

We walked out of the house blayke had two dolls in her hand. "what were ya doing in there' daryl said "beth had some dolls for blayke" "mm" "you want to share a tent or me to have my own" "we can share" "ok good....i feel safer with you" i said and see him a have a small smile.

"hes full of shit" i told daryl as shane talked at the service for patricia husband who died for carl "always is" he said back.

You, rick, shane , daryl, hershel and maggie were standing around a car looking a map of there land to see where we should look for sophia. "alright now we can do this search right" rick said "not you you just gave 2 units of blood you wouldn't last five minutes in this heat. you either with the way your ankle is you push you'll be laid up for weeks" hershel said . "looks like that leaves me" daryl said "i can go to if you want" "nah stay with blayke" "ok" i knew he didn't really trust other people with blayke so i kinda thought he would say that.

I was in the RV , blayke was playing on the table with her dolls me and carol were picking up the RV. "i want it to look good for sophia" she said "yeah she would like that" i smiled. The RV door opened to see daryl , he walked in with a old beer bottle with a white flower in it. He set it down on the self "it looks nice in here almost thought i was in the wrong place." " i wanted it to look nice for sophia" carol said "A flower?" she added "its a cherokee rose the story is that when american soldiers were moving indians off their land on the trail of tears the cherokee mothers were grieving and crying so much cause they were losing their little ones along the way from exposure and disease and starvation a lot of them just disappeared so the elders they uh said a prayer they asked for a sigh to uplift the mothers spirits give them strength and hope the next day this rose started to grow right where the mothers tears fell" daryl said to carol "i ain't fool enough to believe there are any flowers blooming for my brother but i believe this one bloomed for your little girl"

I walked out of the RV with daryl and blayke went running off. "your a sweetheart daryl dixon" i said "stop it" he said i kissed his cheek. Me and daryl never talked about the kiss under the car but we have been good. i walked off to find blayke when maggie stopped me "hey y/n um blayke is in the house with beth if you would like to get her or come in" "oh yeah thanks". "whos little girl is sophia" maggie asked as we sat in her living room "carols. a herd came and chased her into the woods , rick killed the walkers but sophia never came back" "i'm sorry to hear that" "yeah thank you" "so you and daryl?" "ex husband hes blaykes dad were trying to work though it tho" "nice.. is that asian with any one" " hes korean and no" i laughed "good". "she kinda fall asleep" beth said walking in the living room holding blayke "oh thank you we should get going anyway" i said grabbing "thanks for having us" i added walking out the door. Daryl had a big bed made on the floor of the tent , i layed B down. "you on watch" i asked daryl "nah" "then why you up everyone is already in bed" "ya can go to bed i'll be there in a bit" "i'll wait for you" "you can go to bed" "nope i'm staying" "whatever". "can i wash you hair" "nah" "why" "your going to cut it" "just a bit its a little crazy" "nope".

>> Daryl POV <<

I looked over and see y/n asleep i smiled to myself a bit. I hesitated but picked her up "see your a sweetheart dixon" i said "shh mrs.dixon" i see her smile. I layed her down on the other side of blayke and i walked over to the other side of blayke and layed down. I layed awake when i see y/n get up she layed next to me, she wrapped her arm around my waist and her head on my chest "is this okay?" she asked "yeah" i rubbed up and down her shoulder and

I Still Love Ya// Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now