Her backstory/ Overview

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((One year later Emily here. I'm just going back through and adjusting the structure of all chapters to make it easier for the readers. That's all))

Here is her kinda short (but not really) back story before 66 and after. Detailing how she met the bad batch.

Order 66. One of the worst and scariest days of my life. For all jedi. I was lucky enough to be far from the main battlefields, but that did not matter. I was still stationed with a few clones from the 501st. I wished I wasn't however. Watching my own family turn their weapons on me and fire at me, out of nowhere...I will never forget that moment. Not sure I could, even if I wanted to. The physical wounds would heal. However the mental and emotional ones...those would never go away. No matter how I tried to forget them. Those moments of sheer fear. Terror. Those would stick with me forever. Would haunt me.

How could this have happened? Why did it happen? It made no sense. Why would the clones turn on me? They knew me. Fought beside me. They were my family. So why?
It was the next thoughts that nearly halted me in my tracks as I tried to escape.

Or was it not just me...did they turn on all the Jedi?....

No it couldn't be...it couldn't.

If it was as wide spread as that...then-every single Jedi. Everyone of them would be turned on by their own soldiers. Their own men.

Rex, Cody, Jesse....the rest of them...They wouldn't do this...

My own brothers. My own family....

I was assigned to the 501st in my early days of being a Jedi knight and we just clicked. Mainly me, Rex and the domino squad as they used to be called. Rex, Fives, Echo and I were like a little family. They, over time referred to me as their little sister. Being a jedi you were warned not to form attachments, but those clones...I couldn't stop myself when it came to them. They just had this heart and energy about them that just pulled you straight in. They treated you like one of their own. And from day one I was grateful for that.

The day that we lost Echo was so hard for all of us, but more so Fives. They had been cadets together. They trained together to be arc troopers. Shared a room. Everything. He took his death hard. Rex did too. As did I. That was when I learned why jedi shouldn't form attachments. It made you vulnerable to your emotions, but I didn't care. I swore to myself that I wouldn't turn to the dark side. For Echo and the rest for the 501st sake. I had to be there for them. And I was. We grieved together then got back to work.

Fives death was...a difficult one. When he was going on about the clones inhibiter chips and some order I wasn't sure what to make of it. I trust Fives with my life and I wouldn't discount his words. What would he gain by lying to us? To me? He knew I trusted him. And I did. I wanted to to help him I just....didn't know how to. Rex tried to help in what ever way he could, but it didn't matter. Fives was shot and killed right in front of us. I had a hard time with it. Fives needed help and I couldn't help him. I failed what I promised Echo. After that I did what I could to continue my mission. To win battles for the republic. Life moved on. I didn't try to form any more attachments to other clone forces until...until them...

I had heard whispers of a rough batch of clones that called themselves clone force 99, after 99, which warmed my heart. Yet I had never met them. I wasn't sure as to why. Rex had said that they didn't follow orders so well. Which kinda reminded me of Fives. So when he decided to introduce me to them one day I was intrigued. However it one the first member that stepped out of the ship that got the biggest reaction out of me.


I knew it was him the instant he exited. I couldn't believe he was alive. It didn't seem possible. In that moment it didn't matter. When our eyes met we both ran full force to one another. We embraced each other and the tears just flowed. It didn't matter what power brought him back, I was just elated that he had come back to us.

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