Chapter 24 Yuzuki

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I watched Kazuo leave before I sighed and let my head drop back onto the pillow. He was about to go and take on Taiken and some other group. The thing that worried me the most was that he could be killed. It had almost happened once, and I was terrified it would happen again. I felt my chest tighten as I thought back to the car crash. Taiken had distracted me to get to Kazuo, and part of me was worried that Jiya was still on Taiken's side and had successfully fooled us all. Deo was still with him, but that didn't help my worries one bit. What if all of this was just some really well thought out plan. Kazuo had said that Taiken was capable of a lot.

With a small sigh, I rolled onto my side and pulled my knees up to my chest. What if he was killed? Would Taiken be free to come after me? Would Kazuo's yakuza be too upset to do anything and would everything just fall apart? There were too many thoughts swirling around in my head and it was threatening to make me go crazy.

Stretching out again, I dug my face into the pillow, wrapping my hands around it to hold it in place on the bed. I screamed at the top of my voice into the soft fabric. What if, what if. I couldn't stop the thoughts and it was starting to hurt even more. Just the image of Kazuo's limp body was too much for me to handle. If only he was here with me now. I thought as I sighed and let go of the pillow. I had to do something to calm myself. Kazuo could do it. He could calm me down. Though he hadn't always been able to do so, I still wanted him with me in my arms, safe.

I couldn't let these thoughts take hold the way they seemed to want to do. So instead I decided to get up because sleep was definitely out of the question. And Kazuo hadn't turned the light off before he left. Turning over, I sat up and glanced around the room. It was still and quiet. The only thing I could hear was the ticking of the clock on the nightstand.

Buzz buzz. It caught me off guard a little because I had expected everyone to still be sleeping. Reaching over to the nightstand, I picked up my phone and opened the message without looking to see who it was from.

'Hey, are you awake?'

It was from Mitsu. He normally didn't message me in the middle of the night unless he was scared of something. I wonder what he wants.

'I am. What's up?' I sent back to him. Though part of me was hoping he wouldn't look and just go to sleep again. Buzz buzz. Clearly I wasn't so lucky. I sighed and opened my phone again.

'I keep hearing noises outside my room. Do you think it might be a yakuza?'

'Mitsu...' I typed into my message bar. Sometimes he was exasperating, but then at the same time I also knew that he didn't know Kazuo's yakuza the way I did. 'Do you need me to come over?' I added and pressed send.


With a small sigh I got up and picked my clothes up off of the floor. Dressing quickly, I headed for the door and flicked the light off again as I left. My clothes were not very well put on and I could feel my trousers only just hanging on my hips- my shirt wasn't done up either.

I made my way over to Mitsu's room and knocked lightly, hoping he would hear me. It didn't take long before the door opened and Mitsu stuck his head out. "Finally." He sighed.

"Hey. It really didn't take me that long to get here." I told him as I put my hand on my hip.

"You took way too long. Come in, quick," he urged me inside and quickly closed the door behind me. I barely had any time to step inside before the door was closed again. "Did you see anything?"

"No. What's wrong?"

"Are you sure? Because I know I heard something." He told me, a small hint of fear to his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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