Chapter 6 Kazuo

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I killed the engine and opened the door to my vehicle. Slowly, I climbed out and shut the door. With a sigh, I leaned against the top of the car for a moment, keys dangling from my fingers. To my left, Masao's car was already parked. He'd likely arrived a few minutes before I did. Our conversation back at the office still rang through my mind. Kin-Kumo Ikka were going to be a serious problem.

Taiken Ukaneo was not a man to take lightly. He had been the one to take down my own father with schemes and vile plans. Not to say that my father didn't do his fair share of scheming either. The idea that Taiken was making his move caused a tension to spread through my back and shoulders. No matter what I did, I couldn't shake the sensation that everything was about to go to hell very quickly.

I shoved off my car and made my way toward the house. At the door, Kitane was waiting. Shrugging off my jacket, he took it from me before we'd even entered the house. I tugged at the tie, loosening it with my fingers. Brushing my other hand through my hair, the silver locks came free and fanned my forehead. "Masao is here?"

"Of course," he replied.

"Nothing out of the ordinary?"

"All is well, sir."

"And our new employee?"

"Already settled," Kitane returned.

Our short conversation lasted through the foyer and to the door of the hallway leading to my residence. I let out a slow, heavy breath. Even with knowing all of that, I found I couldn't relax. "Taiken is on the move, Kitane."

"I see. Masao seemed rattled as well when he returned. I was ordered to increase security. I will see to it once you are settled. Speaking of security," Kitane began and I turned to look at him over my shoulder. "Mr. Ryuu had quite the scare earlier today. He rushed from his apartment rather wildly."

I arched an eyebrow at Kitane despite knowing he couldn't see it. "Oh?"

"It would seem something scared him from the vicinity. I did not check into it. Keeping him within my range was more of a priority."

"Of course," I replied. "Perhaps, I'll ask him about it."

"I'm not sure that would be wise, sir."

I paused outside my door, hand already touching the handle. I took a breath and turned to face Kitane, a frown already playing at my lips. "Why is that?"

"It would seem he's rather frightened of us. Understandably so. We are yakuza. He fainted in the elevator after leaving your office."

My chest squeezed. Right... "I see. How is he with you?"

"Well, he hasn't fainted yet. But I think it would be best if he were to keep to himself during his stay."

"Kitane. You're the one who sent him to me."

"I realize this. I do apologize. But, in a way we were able to keep him from Taiken. I suppose it is simply fate playing now."

"Maybe," I grumbled. "Do you have anything for him to do?"

"I have a few things in mind. Easy tasks that will keep him busy, but nothing that will be too demanding."

"Good." I opened the door to my room and paused before going in. "Would you send Masao to me? I wish to discuss a few more things with him."

Kitane bowed as he answered. "Of course, sir."

I left it at that and entered my room. I pulled the tie off entirely and threw it to the side, not caring where it landed. Flicking a switch on the wall, golden light flooded the room. I undid the top few buttons of my dress shirt and worked the sleeves up to my elbows as I crossed the room to the desk at the far end.

Turning, I leaned against the wood and looked out across the room. It once belonged to my father and I could still see traces of him throughout despite the rebuild and the decorum that was mine. Gripping the edges of the table, I waited for Masao to come knocking.

Thankfully it wasn't long that I was left to my own dark thoughts regarding Taiken. The resounding thumps on the door took my attention and I called out for him to enter. Masao made his way into the room.

"You wanted to speak with me?"

I nodded and gestured to an armchair nearby. Masao took the seat and I made my way around the desk to the computer chair. Once seated, I laced my fingers together and cast my gaze to the table. "Kitane informed me that something scared Ryuu out of his apartment. I'd like you to check it out tomorrow. Perhaps it's nothing, but it could be something and I don't want to overlook anything when it comes to Taiken."

Masao nodded, the look in his eyes already dark. He was thinking the same thing I was. Someone had been waiting for Yuzuki to return. Likely a subordinate of Taiken's. After all, he wouldn't let a loose end just wander around Osaka.

"It will be my first stop in the morning," Masao assured me.

I nodded. "Thank you. Also, Ryuu is... having a hard time with us. Kitane has suggested we keep to ourselves. I have to agree. The sooner we deal with Taiken and his ilk, the sooner Ryuu can return to a normal life."

"Right. Well, Kitane did put this on you. So in all fairness, it's his fault," Masao said with a touch of a grumble to his voice. I shrugged in reply. The silver lining to it was one less victim under Taiken's thumb. At the moment, I would take any victory that came my way.

"Even still. He is a guest here and a target for Taiken," I said.

Masao got up from his spot and adjusted the sleeves of his shirt. Though he was slightly irritated, I had no doubt that he would help in keeping Ryuu safe. "I know. The kid'll be well protected. I promise. Between Kitane and myself, no one is getting close to him."

"Thank you, Masao."

"Is there anything else?" He asked after giving me a curt nod to my gratitude.

I leaned back in my chair and shook my head. "That was all. Get some rest. We'll do more about Kin-Kumo Ikka tomorrow."

"Right," Masao said with a huff. He turned away and headed for the door. Before he left, he said a simple good night, then he was gone. Left to myself, my thoughts went straight to the looming problem. The problem also including Yuzuki Ryuu.

I wasn't sure what to do about him. I could only offer empty words and promises. None of which would do a damned thing for him. The best I'd offered was a new cage. Sure, he wouldn't be treated as a slave, or harmed, but he couldn't easily leave either. Not with Taiken actively looking for him now. I cursed that weasel of a man who betrayed me. If not for him, Ryuu wouldn't be in the situation he was in.

He'd be safe. Maybe. I leaned further back in the chair, my head against the cushion, eyes closed and grinding my teeth. This wasn't fair for someone who was innocent. If only there was something I could do to make it a little easier.

I came forward in the chair, the springs popping as I moved. Opening the drawer to my right at the desk, I pulled out a pad and pen. I got so far as to write 'breakfast at 7:30 in the dining area' before I stopped myself.

Frowning at the page of neatly written words, I tore it off and crumpled it in my hand. What the hell was I thinking? As if Yuzuki would even find the invitation remotely appealing. Having breakfast with a murderer. Fuck. I let out a soft growl of irritation.

It was best I kept my distance. Seeing him in my office earlier had surprised me. Worse yet, I'd felt almost... elated. At the same time, nervous. Yuzuki was clean. Pure. If I touched him, I'd ruin all of that. But at the same time, I couldn't allow him to be harmed either.

Even just knowing he was in danger. It was twisting my stomach. Something was wrong with me. I'd only seen him three times. Met him properly once. Yet something about him was rather alluring. I rubbed at my eyes. Exhaustion and stress were making my mind wild.

I got up from the chair and went to the adjoining room. Stripping down, I pulled back the sheets and got into bed. I was far too tired for anything else. In a matter of moments, sleep took me.

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