Chapter 3 Yuzuki

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After my long hot shower that morning, I decided that maybe I did have to look for something to do. I couldn't stay jobless forever. I mean, it was nice not having to get up every morning at stupid o'clock, but I was starting to miss it. Even if it had only been the night before that I had a job. Even though it had been shit, it was still something, and the pay wasn't all that bad.

It was almost midday before I finally got up and went over to my desk. I flipped my laptop open and looked at the first site I could find. The site didn't really have anything that piqued my interest though. It was mostly just cleaning at a restaurant or something demeaning like that. I looked through a few more websites, but nothing seemed interesting enough. It was mostly cleaning or office jobs that paid way too little. Not that I was really sure what I wanted, but I certainly didn't want an office job. I felt like maybe even a strip club would be better than what I had been staring at for the last few hours.

After a while though, I got up and went to make myself a drink. I needed something cold to cool me down. It was starting to get frustrating how nothing felt right. The last place I was at had been by accident, but the idea of a club didn't seem all that bad. I just wasn't sure if that was a good idea. I couldn't deal with having a slave labourer for a boss again. I sighed, this was going to be a lot harder than I thought.

I reached into my pocket to take my phone out. Maybe Mitsu had something good in mind. "Shit!" I cursed as I realised I'd forgotten my phone at the club and all I reached for was air in my pocket. How could I have taken all of my junk but not my phone! How fucking dumb of me. My frustration was starting to turn to anger. This meant I had to go back to that fucking club to get my phone. I sighed again and put on my shoes at the front door of my little apartment. Running out the door with my keys in hand, it slammed behind me. Club Shikijō was halfway across town and would take me at least an hour to reach, if not more.

I hurried over to the bus stop, waiting impatiently. I had a bit of money left for some food, but now that would be spent on getting my phone back. This was a nightmare, I hated public transport. Too many people and definitely too much noise. My original plan had been to nick the money from Shikijō and get a car, along with my medical degree. But then I got caught, so plan B was to earn some working at the club. It annoyed me knowing that I would have already had a car and my medical degree if I hadn't got myself caught.

The bus pulled up at the stop, slowly opening its doors. I stepped inside, grabbing the railing and staying close to the door. After some time we reached the train station where I got off. From there it was about three different trains to the club. The station was busy as always. People were out shopping or getting lunch.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Called a voice from somewhere in the crowd. I turned to see who it was. Mitsu! He had been my friend since we were kids. He used to live in my village as well, then he moved to the city to go to college. We were going to go to medical school together until I had to drop out. We stayed friends despite my idiocy.

He was taller than me with raven coloured hair and dark brown eyes that were almost black. His hair was put up in a small ponytail and his glasses were hanging on the edge of his nose, almost ready to fall off. He was wearing his favourite jumper, a dark green hoodie. He always smiled when he saw me and would wave. It was something he had always done, even in school.

"Oh hi," I sighed as I made my way over to him. "I left my phone at the club."

"So that's why I couldn't reach you all morning. I tried phoning you about a million times, Yuzuki." Mitsu laughed, but I knew that he had been worried.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, ignoring his comment.

"My girlfriend wants some dresses for the summer and she asked me to go with." Mitsu was the type of guy who went through his girlfriends quicker than his shoes.

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