Chapter 23 Kazuo

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The next few days were filled with a kind of chaos that the manor hadn't seen in a very long time. My stress was hardly contained, even in Yuzuki's presence. I hadn't heard anything from Toriko on where the meeting was going to take place. If we didn't catch them there, then everyone in my house was doomed to come to a horrible end.

I paced the study. We were running out of time. I checked my watch yet again, noting the late hour. 11:45. With a soft growl, I ran my fingers through my hair for the millionth time and tugged at the buttons of my shirt, opening it just a little.

A hand touched my shoulder and without thinking, I spun around to face whoever it was.

"Are... you okay?" It was Yuzuki. He looked worried, "I knocked but I didn't get an answer. So I opened the door and called your name, but I still didn't get an answer. You must have been really lost in thought, huh."

"I'm... fine," better now, I told myself. I took a long deep breath and held it for a moment. On the exhale, I stepped closer to Yuzuki and wrapped my arms around his waist. Pulling him up against me, I held him close and simply stood there, breathing him in. He was so warm. It was a nice sensation. After a long silent pause, and just holding him, I finally pulled back and looked him over.

"What did you need?"

He looked up at me, his worry still lingering a little, and smiled. "Actually, I'm here to get away from Mitsu." Yuzuki laughed lightly before he went on, "But also to see you. I felt like you could do with a break from thinking. You've been so busy with this plan to catch Taiken that I've hardly seen you."

Leaning his head against my chest, he hugged me for a moment longer. A small hum left his lips as he seemed to be enjoying the moment.

"I apologize," I told him. He was right though, I hadn't spent nearly enough time with him since the planning had begun and even less so today with things in full swing and the deadline for the meeting nearing. I wasn't entirely sure what time Taiken was going to meet the triad tomorrow, but I knew we would need to be at the meeting place early no matter what.

I looked over to my phone lying black and silent on the desk as I held him. Even though the ringer would go off, I couldn't help but keep checking it. With a heavier sigh, I hugged Yuzuki closer and ran my hand down his back in slow, soothing circles.

"I recall you pulling your friend away the other day. I know I shouldn't pry but... I admit I'm curious as to why you dragged him off so suddenly."

Yuzuki pulled away from me and took a few steps back. His expression had changed suddenly as well. His worry was back and he almost looked upset?

"Um..." Yuzuki started as he turned away from me, "Mitsu tends not to have a filter- he kind of just says what comes to mind. And as soon as he used the words 'mobster leader' I um..." He paused for a moment, taking a few more steps away from me. His voice sounded very troubled as he went on, "It just made me think of what I used to call you. And... It upset me. I know I was wrong to call you that. And I still think about it sometimes. It still makes me feel bad when I think about it too much."

I smiled at him. He somehow always managed to melt my worries even if he didn't mean to. "You're too kind to me. I feel like I don't deserve you, love."

He turned to face me, that same beautiful smile gracing his lips again. "You do. You definitely do." Yuzuki told me.

I stepped closer to him and took hold of his hip with one hand. With my other hand, I brushed through his hair. "You are entirely too kind to me," I whispered to him as I came in for a kiss. Brushing my mouth across his, I just barely began to kiss him when my phone rang.

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