Chapter 20 Kazuo

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I put the phone back on the receiver and pulled at the buttons of my shirt, opening the clothing a bit. The room wasn't hot, but it was warm enough to garner the need to do so. Leaning back in my chair, I rubbed at my shoulder. Having been on the phone for only thirty minutes to set up an appointment with a buyer was clearly enough to make my healing wound ache.

I closed my eyes, only meaning to rest for a moment. The knock at my door jolted me fully awake and I had to wonder if I'd fallen asleep for hours or just a few minutes. I sat upright in the chair and steady my rapid heartbeat with slow, deep breaths. It would seem the recent events had me on edge; even in my own home still.

"Come in," I called out after a moment. It was likely Kitane, coming to check on me. I only briefly recalled that I'd asked for tea to be made too. I hope I haven't kept him from his other work, I grumbled inwardly. Having fallen asleep at my desk for who knew how long was disgraceful.

The door opened and Yuzuki entered, a tray balancing on one hand, closing the door with the other. Walking over to my desk, he stopped just in front of it, moving the tray to be in front of him. "I made the tea that you asked for," He explained as he grabbed the cup and put it down on my desk, "Are you busy?" he added as he watched me, a small smile on his face.

"No, I'm not," I answered. Coming forward in the chair, I picked the cup up and brought it to my lips. The tea was the perfect temperature. After taking a drink, I set it down and looked him over. "Thank you, love. Is there something you need?"

His smile became bigger then, and he set the tray down next to the cup. Coming around my desk, he pushed my chair back so he had enough room to stand between me and the desk. "No, there is something you need though," he said quietly and carefully seated himself on my lap, being sure not to hurt me. Snaking his hands up my chest, he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I felt like you needed cuddles. And maybe I need them too," he laughed softly. "I didn't want to say anything, but I went to talk to Kitane... I may have asked him what happened with your father and... he told me everything. I didn't want to bring it up, but I also didn't want you wondering why I suddenly attacked you with cuddles," as he spoke, his voice became happier towards the end. And the next thing I knew, he had me in a tight embrace.

"You certainly don't need an excuse for something like this," I told him. I wrapped my arms around him and held him closer. It was nice having him on my lap as he was. His chest against mine, his breath near my neck. It was blissful. After a while of silence and simply enjoying his presence, I leaned back in the chair and adjusted him on my lap. "I am curious to know why you asked Kitane? You could have asked me." I cleared my throat softly. I might not have told him everything in detail, and certainly nothing of what Kitane had gone through. However, I would have answered him honestly.

"I... Don't know. I guess I didn't want to remind you of the awful memory," he told me as he hugged me closer. I could feel his heartbeat as it sped up just a little, but I couldn't tell why that was.

"You're extremely kind, love," I told him softly. I pulled him closer to me, laying out soft kisses across his throat as I did so. "Are you sure you don't have other things you should be tending to right now?"

He quickly pulled away from me, a smirk on his face, "Is that your way of telling me that I should go see my mother?" he asked me accusingly.

I tightened my hold on him. "Quite the opposite, Yuzuki. It's my way of telling you that I have plans. Plans which include you naked and on top of me. Unless, you don't wish to continue what I started in the courtyard?" I said with a small, playful grin.

He looked away for a moment, seemingly lost for words. I laughed lightly and rocked my hips a little up into him, enjoying the gasp of pleasure he gave me. I tugged on his waist, pulling him down against my groin. Already, I could feel pleasure beginning to pool in my cock.

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