Chapter 21 Yuzuki

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I couldn't believe it! Kazuo was actually going to have this guy live with us. My anger had not faded, but at least I was still in control. I had to admit, it had taken me a little off guard when Kazuo had told me to ignore Jiya. But at the same time, I knew that Jiya was just trying to get under my skin. Thinking back on our conversation, somehow something seemed familiar about Jiya. I just wasn't sure what it was. What annoyed me even more was that he knew my name before I had gotten the chance to tell him. And, him bringing up the attack on the manor still had me grinding my teeth as I sat down in my seat of Kazuo's car. Because he had rushed us to the car, it was clear to me that something was off, I just wasn't sure what it was.

The vehicle purred to life and Kazuo dug his phone from his pants yet again. He tapped the screen in the car and pulled up Lan Qiao's name. Hitting the call button, the sound of a ring filled the vehicle from the speakers. Kazuo adjusted the volume as he began taking us from the parking lot.

It rang three times before the man Kazuo called picked up. "You get my message?"

"Yes. I was otherwise occupied until now. What happened?" Kazuo answered, his tone rather dark.

"Masao's been gone for days. Since you were in the hospital actually."

"You didn't call to tell me that before now?"

"Masao told me he was going to work on something for the club. I didn't think anything of it until today. And besides, I've had my own problems since he's left. Taiken's been sending his men to the club. Scouting it out. I've had to strong arm a handful of them in leaving. Almost had a shoot out yesterday."

"Taiken likely has him. He's been moving rather quickly as of late it would seem. I got some information just now too," Kazuo said and he proceeded to inform Lan Qiao what it was that Jiya had told him not too long ago.

"You're going to this little weapons deal?" Lan Qiao sounded as if he was amused.

"Yes. There's little else to do and if it is true, we need to deal with a triad and Taiken. It's bad enough just knowing that there's triad activity."

"Did you tell your fancy friend with a badge?"

Kazuo frowned. "Not yet."

"Best think about doing so, boss. Hate to say it, but we're a little under equipped to be taking on Taiken and a group of triad alone."

"You're right," Kazuo frowned, his words coming out on a sigh of irritation. "I'll call Toriko later. Is the club alright for now?"

"It's fine. You gave me a job to do and I'll be damned if I can't handle a couple idiots."

"Call me if you need me," Kazuo said and I could sense the end of the conversation coming.

"Sure thing, boss," Lan Qiao replied and the sound of the call ending clicked briefly. Kazuo leaned back in his chair and rubbed lightly at his shoulder as he steered the vehicle to the onramp leading out of the city. I could see the lights starting to flicker on as we left the city behind us.

"Are you alright?" The air felt tense, so finding the right words was a struggle. Partly also because I was still annoyed, but I was trying my damndest not to. I had promised Kazuo not to let my emotions run my life and it had almost happened again. I was really going to have to watch myself. Especially now that we were about to have another yakuza that I didn't want to trust. Not that I planned on ever trusting him anyway.

"I'll be fine, love. We just have to hope that nothing happens in the next couple of days. I'll make a few calls when we get back," his voice trailed off and it was very clear that he was deep in thought. His 'work mode' as it would seem. I felt it better to just leave him to his thoughts.

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