Chapter 8 Kazuo

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Fuck! Fuck! I clenched my jaw as Yuzuki left the room after declaring he would be going home. My heart wrenched horribly with the next idea that if he left the manor at all, Taiken would be waiting for him.

"Kitane, go after him and keep him here!" the order left my mouth on little more than a growl. Kitane didn't say a word. Instead he simply nodded and left us to go get Yuzuki.

"Kazuo, you haven't told him about Taiken yet, have you?" Masao asked.

I threaded my fingers through my hair hard. "No. I haven't exactly had the opportunity to do so."

"Well, you need to. He sent three men to that guy's apartment. Three. For a fucking nobody who was used as a third party seller."

"Taiken wouldn't risk Yuzuki going to the cops and ratting out his men. He must have seen a few faces he wasn't supposed to," I replied. My tone was smoother, but my tension hadn't left me.

Masao nodded as he stood and grabbed the shoulder holster from the bed. He began shrugging it on, wincing slightly as he stretched his abdomen while sliding the harness on. "Even if Ryuu doesn't remember, or doesn't even realize he's seen someone important. Taiken won't care."

"I know," I growled. I didn't need him reminding me of that bastards tenacity. It had me thinking of my father, and how he would never rest. How relentless he could become when something wasn't exactly the way he wanted it. Nothing would stop Taiken.

Only death would.

I sucked in a sharp breath and looked to Masao who was standing waiting for me. His dark eyes were steady and it helped ground me. "Yuzuki stays here. Kitane will guard him. I will get in touch with our contact at the police station. Get Deo on detail with Kitane. And contact Lan Qiao. He'll help us."

Masao nodded and without a word went straight for the door. The soft snap of the door closing filled the air and I was left to myself. I turned and simply sat on the edge of the bed. My heart raced, my throat was dry, and I was having a hard time thinking properly.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

I didn't even know him well. Yet for some reason... I felt drawn to him. It must be his appealing looks. He did work at the club after all. Wait. I sat up straight.

He said he'd gone to medical school, but didn't finish? Why? And if he'd been going to medical school how did he end up at a fucking sex club of all places? When he spoke of it, I thought I sensed there was more to the story.

Standing up, I went to the door and left our small medical wing. The hall was empty as I stepped into it and took a quick look. Masao wasted no time at all in getting started. I dug my phone from my pocket and dialed Kitane's number as I began making my way to my study.

He picked up on the second ring. "Sir?"

"Where is he?" I frowned at my own tone. At least it was Kitane and not Ryuu I was talking to.

"In his room, packing. I've been informed the only way to keep him here is to lock him up. I could, if you want me to." I didn't need to be near Kitane to know he was smiling. Sometimes he could be rather chilling like that.

I took a long deep breath before I answered. "Tell him I wish to speak with him in my office."

"Certainly," Kitane said and I listened to his phone shift slightly and his voice repeating my request to Ryuu.

"If Hateno wants to see me, then you'll have to drag me there, Kitane. I am not staying here for a moment longer. He doesn't want to get to know me, so there's nothing I need to stay here for. Now, will you let me pass?" Ryuu's voice was loud through the phone. Clearly, he was still upset.

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