Chapter 7 Yuzuki

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I woke to the sound of birds. Slowly, I opened my eyes. Was I dreaming or was I actually in a big soft bed. A soft hum escaped my lips as I curled myself up in the sheets a little more. The bed was so comfortable and I didn't want to get up. I took in a long slow breath then rolled onto my back, looking up at the ceiling. Hateno came to mind again. His words echoing through my thoughts, 'you'll be protected.' Attempting to think about anything else was not going to happen. It was loud and on repeat. I let out a sigh. I felt so trapped.

Hungry. I could hear my stomach growling. With a groan, I got up, grabbed my phone from the nightstand and went into the living room. My bag was still sitting next to the front door. Going over and taking it with me to the sofa, I pulled out some clean clothes. Quickly changed and headed for the door. I'd put the rest of it away later.

There was a key hanging from a small hook on the left side of the door. I grabbed it and left my new apartment. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I felt as if someone were standing there. Turning abruptly around, I was met with Kitane standing in the hall as if he'd been waiting for me.

"Good morning," I said as I put the key in my pocket.

Kitane smiled and shifted his weight from left to right. In one hand he balanced a small stack of pure white, neatly folded towels. The other rested at his side.

"Forgive me if I startled you. I'm simply delivering these to Miss Saiyako. She is one of our eldest family members, so I tend to help her quite often. Which puts me on this side of the manor quite a lot. I do hope you slept well, though? Is there anything I can do for you?" Kitane tilted his head off to the side, his angle slightly off due to his not being able to see exactly where I was standing.

"I slept really well actually. Thank you. The bed felt like it was made of clouds." I gave him a smile, then realised he couldn't see it. That had me wondering though. What type of work was he doing for Hateno? I was sure he couldn't be one of the killers. You sort of had to have eyes for that. Things like aim and knowing where your target was, for example. But not having his vision must give him very particular work.

"No, thank you. I'm all good. I'm just on my way to the dining area." I told him. He seemed like a really attentive guy. Maybe that's what he was to Hateno. The manor's butler.

"I'm glad to hear it. The dining hall is rather easy to locate, but should you need help, anyone here can do so."

Kitane gave a bow and turned to the door with the Saiyako name plate. He knocked once, and then simply entered. I turned the way he had come and went on my way. I was sure I'd be able to find the dining area by myself. Even though the estate seemed huge, it couldn't be that difficult to find the place where everyone ate. It was around eight in the morning, so most people would be on their way to breakfast I was sure.

As I walked down the hall a door opened to my left and a man stepped out with a young child. They looked like father and son. I stopped, shocked for a moment. The guy knelt down and straightened the boy's jacket and then ruffled his hair. The young boy giggled and the man smiled, taking the child's hand. Then they walked down the hall; the same way I was going. I remembered Kitane had said that the manor was home to a few families. But I hadn't expected children. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe, just maybe Kazao wasn't the killer I thought he was. Maybe there really is more to him than I thought at first. I looked down at the ground. Looking Hateno in the face was going to be really difficult now.

I slowly followed after the man and his child, hoping they were going where I needed to be. As I got closer towards the front of the estate, a few more people appeared from different directions. I stopped and watched for a moment, and sure enough, they were all headed the same way. I had lost the man I was following, but I didn't mind. This way, I didn't have to seem creepy. I chuckled softly to myself as I started moving again.

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