Chapter 17 Yuzuki

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As we sat in the car in front of the club, waiting for time to pass, I looked at Kitane. I just wanted Mitsu back and it seemed like time was going at a snail's pace. "This is really nerve wracking. How long do we still have?" I asked, my voice filled with anticipation.

"It's almost time, Mr. Ryuu," Kitane replied softly. His calm demeanor was back, replacing his earlier frustrations. "Just a few minutes more."

Deo was in the front passenger seat. Our driver was leaned back away from the wheel, arms crossed. "Tell me again the way I need to go?"

"It's in the back," Kitane answered. "It will be small, as it's a new hall being built particularly for escaping should the club ever come under fire again. It'll be a hidden passage, so it will be dark. It will branch off, take the left hall, it will lead you directly into the back of the club. You must be careful and be quiet. The walls are not fully built and there is a lot of open space between areas. I assume that Taiken is in the center, it'll be the most open area. Be careful of other yakuza in the building. The last thing we need is for them to alert Taiken. He'll kill Mitsu and Yuzuki."

"I'll be careful," Deo answered firmly. "Yuzuki goes first?"


"Who has priority?"

"Yuzuki does," Kitane said.

"I understand."

"No." I answered. "Mitsu has to get out. I don't care what happens to me, just make sure Mitsu gets out. Please?"

Kitane turned his head slightly, a frown pulling his lips. "I understand your sentiment, Mr. Ryuu. However, should you die here, Kazuo will never forgive us. Mitsu is a priority too, don't mis-understand. But should it come down to a very hard decision... you are the one we will choose."

I sighed as I looked away and out the window. Even though I understood why, it didn't mean I liked it. "Alright." I voiced, "I'm going to go in. I'm sure this guy won't mind if I'm early." I added as I reached for the door handle.

Kitane snatched a hold of my hand and squeezed tightly. "Be careful, Yuzuki. Please."

"I will. I'll have you with me the whole time." I tapped my earpiece as I opened the door of the car. Getting out, I stepped into the rain soaked street. As we had sat in the car, waiting, it had started raining heavily. Making it difficult to see much of anything.

"Right?" I uttered quietly, hoping the earpiece was working as I walked towards the building.

"I'm here," Kitane answered, his voice slightly distorted through the earpiece. "Try not to rush into the building, but if you do it's alright. Deo will leave the car in exactly ten seconds."

"Alright." I answered as I calmly made my way over to the front entrance of the building. It still looked like a mess, but it had a little bit more structure now. I grimaced as I slowly walked through the doors, remembering things I didn't want to think about.

It was dark inside with only one light in the back. Either he was already at the club, or the workers had forgotten to turn it off. Part of me hoped it was the latter as I made my way into the center of the large room.

I wanted to tell Kitane that it seemed like I was alone. But then, if I wasn't- whoever was there could hear me. So I stayed quiet and waited.

"Deo has entered the back," Kitane's voice uttered in my ear. "Do nothing, do not acknowledge."

"It's quiet, Kitane," Deo's voice came after Kitane's through my earpiece. "Too quiet."

"Stay on guard, Deo. Taiken is not a man to underestimate."

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