Chapter 11 Yuzuki

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Kitane had woken me up early that morning. And after I had opened the door, still yawning, he told me that he had a few things that needed doing quickly. So I got ready and followed him out. I didn't mind that much, but I still felt a little sleepy as I walked through the halls going to the different destinations he had asked of me. The last thing on my list was to help prepare breakfast. That only meant that Kitane wanted me to put the plates and utensils out on the table in the dining hall.

As I stepped into the hall, memories of our fight came to me. It was something I didn't want to remember- I didn't want to feel the emotions that came with the memories. I still felt bad for having run after him like that, yanked on his shirt and annoyed him.

With a heavy sigh, I made my way to the kitchen to get the plates. They were in a few different cupboards because of the amount of people staying at the manor. So it was going to take me at least three trips to get them all out on the table. Opening the cupboard and taking the first stack out, I walked back out to the dining hall. There were already a few people gathering in the hall, and I hoped that Hateno wouldn't be with them. I was going to listen to Kitane and keep my head down. Cause no trouble and leave when Hateno was done with whatever he was doing. Get back to my own life. I also still felt stupid for having tried to get Hateno to tell me what he was doing. It's none of your business! Stay out of it! Stop asking him questions. But I couldn't help but be curious.

Taking the next few stacks out took longer than I had expected. The cook was busy and staying out of the way was a challenge on it's own. When I was done though, I wasn't hungry anymore. I wanted to go back to my room and just go back to sleep, Kitane had definitely woken me up too early. Yawning again, I strode over to the exit, ready for a few more hours of sleep. As I turned the corner, I came face to face with Hateno. My eyes widened in shock and I turned around immediately to walk away from him quickly.

"Yuzuki!" He called, a note of alarm in his voice. He coughed slightly. "Wait, please."

I stopped as he called my name, turning slowly to face him. "Do you need anything, sir?" I asked him, forcing myself to keep to my manners.

He winced, a frown on his lips. He came over to me regardless, one arm behind his back. For a moment, he seemed almost... awkward. His gaze skipped between me and something else in the hall we were in. "I... just wanted to speak with you," he said slowly. He shifted from side to side briefly, almost seemingly at war with himself. "Do you... have time?"

What would he want to talk to me about? I wondered as I watched him for a moment. I couldn't say no, Kitane had taught me otherwise. Especially if I had nothing else to do, which I didn't. But I also didn't really want to say yes, because that would mean that I wasn't keeping to myself like I had said I would do.

"I do," I answered him plainly.

Kazuo looked away from me, silent for a moment. Then he moved, the arm he'd been holding behind him came around and he held out between us a purple and white flower. He wouldn't look at me either as he presented it to me. "I... took a guess. We can have breakfast in my office. I-if you like, that is."

A flower? He got me an iris? For a moment I wasn't sure what to think until I was flooded with questions. Why would he get me a flower? What was he trying to do? Did he want something from me? My mind was going crazy with questions and I had to force myself to come up with one simple answer.

"Thank you," I said as I took it from him, smelling the flower. It was very fragrant and the scent filled me with delight. He didn't know this, of course, but he had somehow managed to pick my favourite flower. Maybe he did have a heart, I chuckled to myself.

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