Chapter 14 Yuzuki

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The drive over to the office somehow felt shorter than it had the last time. I wasn't sure if that was because I'd already been there or if it was because last time I had taken the train. Thankfully Kitane had found my phone so I was able to tell Mitsu that I was on my way to the city. I really wanted to see him, it felt like it had been too long. Though I knew that I wasn't going alone, I did want to.

My phone went off, buzzing loudly. Looking down at it, I saw that it was Mitsu. Pressing the green button, I looked out the window of the passenger seat as I pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Yuzu, where were you the other day?" Mitsu yelled onto the phone. I had to hold it away from my ear so as not to get a burst eardrum.

"Um... something came up. Sorry."

"Yeah right. The only time something comes up is when you're working. How's that going? Still working them late nights?" He asked me. Part of me almost didn't want to tell him what happened, but I also knew that if I didn't, Mitsu wouldn't let it go.

"No, the club was closed down. The guy who bought it has me working at his manor." I said with a small sigh.

"What? A manor? How rich is this dude?" Came his next few questions. It was sort of funny how easily impressed Mitsu could be sometimes.

"Very." Was all I said. I didn't want to bore Mitsu with the details.

"Wait, wait. Is he cute?"

"Hang on, what? Why are you asking me this?"

"You haven't ever had a girlfriend, so I just thought you weren't interested in girls. Especially after you didn't answer me last time. Well, is he?"

"Mitsu... I'm not-" I couldn't finish my sentence, however, as Mitsu interrupted me.

"No! You have to answer me." He said sternly.

"Yes," I told him softly, "Really hot, and... amazing in bed."

"Whoa! What? How the hell have you scored a rich hot guy?" he demanded.

"I.. It sort of happened by accident."

"Well, now you have to come meet me, I so need to know more. Got time today?" He asked, that same desperation in his voice.

"I'll see if I can make it." I told him, though I wasn't sure if Kazuo was even willing to let me out of his sight, let alone wander around the city.

"Make sure you can!"

"I'll see if I can make it." I told him, though I wasn't sure if Kazuo was even willing to let me out of his sight, let alone wander around the city.

"Make sure you can!"

"I'll try. Talk to you later?"

"Sure." Mitsu answered, and the call ended.

The car came to a slow stop in front of the same building I had first gone to when I met Kazuo for the first time. Where I had... called him a murderer and almost fainted. It still twisted my stomach into knots thinking about the horrible things I had said to Kazuo. I felt like part of the reason I had worked myself up so much the first time was because the club I had worked at before hadn't been much different. I guess I just didn't want to end up with a bunch of heartless killers yet again. Thankfully though, Kazuo wasn't as heartless as I had first thought him to be.

I opened my car door and stepped out, taking in the air and sounds of the city. It felt like forever since I had last been able to really take it in without fearing for my life. The incident at the cafe had me so panicked that I hadn't been able to feel the air or hear the sounds. Somehow, despite it seeming quite busy, I still liked to listen to it all. And the light breeze felt great against my face.

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