Chapter 10 Kazuo

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Lan Qiao bowed right before leaving the room. I picked up the agreement papers regarding the new club. It had taken quite a bit of work these past few weeks to even get the deal started and then settled. Buying the club had cost a lot too. With the pieces set, all I could hope for now was that the plan would work. I hated that Lan Qiao would be in the midst of probably the most dangerous encounter with Taiken, but I trusted him. He was skilled. Enough so that he was truly the only choice I had in managing such a delicate and deadly situation.

I wished that Kitane could go as well, but I needed him here with Yuzuki. Keeping him safe. I leaned back in the chair, resting my head against the cushion and gazed at the ceiling. Attempting to keep Yuzuki from most of this was rather difficult. I knew immediately that he was not happy to be excluded from the conversation. Though perhaps I was reading a bit too much into it. I wasn't sure.

I shifted again and stood from the chair. I could feel the irritation welling in my chest. Why I was feeling such a way was a mystery to me, which only made it worse. Thoughts of Yuzuki seemed to only add to my disposition. A sensation that I didn't have enough control of the events around me to keep anyone safe. I hated that sensation.

Dwelling on it wasn't going to get me anywhere, so I made my way to the door and left the room, locking it behind me. The hall was quiet, save for my steps toward the front of the manor. It was quietest at this time of day. The families who lived here were usually out of the home, working or at school. Normally I would have been at the office myself, but seeing as I had other things to deal with - I'd taken the day.

I found myself exiting the manor into the gardens. The late afternoon sun was washing through the trees. The sound of the water trickling through the streams had a wonderful calming effect. I took a seat at one of the tables near one of the many ponds in the yard. Beneath the water, the glitter of colored scales flickered back and forth as the koi danced with one another.

Leaning off to the side, I watched them as I thought over the plans for the new club and what Lan Qiao would be doing. Nothing was ever fool proof, I knew that. The arrangements we came up with were solid. Yet I couldn't help my worries. Something had me on edge and I couldn't put my finger on it. I never worried about anything when it came to the designs of my business. So what was it then?


I startled from my thoughts at the sound of Kitane's voice. I hadn't noticed him at all. With a frown, I turned my attention to him. Had I been muttering?

"Yes, Kitane?"

"Ah, I thought someone was there," Kitane answered, a small smile gracing his lips. "I'd heard the chair move. Are you in need of anything?"

I sighed and turned my gaze back to the pond. "I believe you heard more than just the chair, Kitane."

"I was attempting to be discreet. What is it that has you muttering under your breath?"

"Nothing," I returned without pause, and 'then regretted my answer. Closing my eyes, I ground my teeth slightly. Taking a moment, I reigned in my irrational annoyance and answered him properly. "I'm worried about the new club."

"Worried?" Kitane repeated, and his tone of voice said everything I already knew. I didn't worry.

"I know," I replied. "I don't know what it is."

"What is it that you're worried about?" Kitane asked. I looked over to him and watched as he felt out the chair in front of him and gently pulled it away from the table so he could sit with me.

"The new club," I answered, the words coming out on a heavy sigh. "I'm worried my plans will fall apart. I can't help but think that I'm missing something. As if something is going to happen and I can't stop it at all. I feel as if I won't be able to keep him safe."

"You mean Mr. Ryuu?"

With a slight groan, I rubbed at my temple. "Yes," I admitted.

"Perhaps it is more than just worry, sir."

"How could it be more than that?"

"It would seem that as of late, Mr. Ryuu is the center of your attention in almost everything you do. You have asked me more than once these past weeks about him. How he is adjusting, if he needs anything. Perhaps you have taken a liking to him."

My heart twisted in my chest and my mouth was suddenly far too dry. Was it true? I did find him rather attractive, that much was certain. But it shouldn't have been the center of my attention. Not when I had far more important things to be considering. I looked over to Kitane who was sitting quietly, his face turned toward the pond despite him not seeing anything.

"Do you think so?"

He smiled again. "I do."

I thought over what he said. I hadn't considered the idea that I was more than just attracted to him. "What do I do?" I muttered to myself. I'd never had a relationship of any kind. There was never time for it. Nor was it practical for my line of work. I frowned again. "Even if I've become... frivolous... I can't allow it. This isn't a good place for him, nor am I good for him."

"I have to disagree," Kitane said. "I will say that I think he is good for you. He's already gotten close to some of us, whether he wanted to or not. I personally enjoy having him here. His help has been valuable to me. Maybe this once you could do with a little enjoyment of your own."

I sent him a glare I knew he couldn't see. "I don't need that."

"It might help settle your nerves."

"There are other ways to do that. Ways that don't require any attachments."

"Yes, but would you feel better about it or worse?"

I took in a deep breath and looked away as I thought it over. For some reason the idea of indulging in such a thing twisted my stomach into a knot. I wasn't sure why that was, though. "I don't know," I said softly.

"Well, if it helps. Mr. Ryuu was a bit jealous of Deo recently."

I looked over to him sharply, my interest instantly peaked. "He was? Why? Did something happen?"

Kitane's knowing smile earned him another glare as I held my tongue and attempted to keep further questions from bursting forth. "He was, only because Deo has known you for a very long time and can speak to you without issue."

"Why did that make him jealous?"

"It would seem that Mr. Ryuu has had a very hard time talking to you."

I paused. He did? Was I that unapproachable? "Really..."

"Maybe you could help him with that."

"How would I be able to help with that? He finds me hard to talk to. Wouldn't that just make things worse?"

"Not if you were the one to strike up the conversation, I don't think anyway. It's worth a try and what is the worst that could happen?"

I groaned. We'd argue. He'd hate me. He'd reject me... My heart lurched - it was painful in the back of my throat. "What would we even talk about?"

"It could be anything. Maybe start small. Something easy. Ask him about himself. Maybe even start by bringing a gift."

Bring a gift... "What would I even bring him?"

"Start small. A coffee. A flower even. I could procure one from the garden if you'd like?"

"Kitane. I think I see what you're doing."

"I'm not doing anything. I'm simply offering help," he said as he gave a slight shrug and a gesture of innocence.

I leaned back in the chair and sighed as I looked up into the trees. "If you say so," I grumbled. As we sat in silence for a time, I found myself wondering what kind of expression Yuzuki would be making if I presented him with a gift. An idea that I refused to acknowledge vocally to Kitane.

I suppose a flower would be a good start, I thought.

"Thank you, Kitane," I said after a while and stood up. "Dinner will be soon. I'll consider what you've said."

"You're welcome, sir."

Kitane followed after me as we left the garden. As we entered the manor, I already knew what flower I would be taking to Yuzuki the following morning and for some reason my heart felt rather excited about the idea. 

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