Chapter 18 Kazuo

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A soft buzzing filled the air. Followed by rhythmic clicking. I took a slow deep breath and opened my eyes. My body felt stiff as if I'd been filled with lead. Looking off to my right, I caught sight of the device that was making all the noise. The steady beating of my heart was being measured by the electronic. With a groan, I shifted on the bed, forcing myself to move even if it was just a little.

I looked around the room, catching sight of Kitane standing at the door, arms crossed and his head down. Continuing from him, in one of the chairs near the door was Deo, fast asleep though it looked as if he'd tried his best to stay awake. I felt a slight twinge in my chest as I looked him over. Deo was so young, and it showed on his sleeping face, his hood up over his head and arms crossed over his stomach.

I turned a little more and seated next to me was Yuzuki. I reached out for him, brushing my hand across his arm. "Is your friend alright?"

Yuzuki looked up in an instant and gasped as he looked into my eyes, "You're awake. I'm so glad that you're okay. I was so worried about you. How are you feeling?" He asked almost so fast that he only just didn't stumble over his words. He sounded relieved.

"I'm fine. Were you able to get your friend?" I asked a second time.

"Yes, he's fine. But he's not important right now, you are. Are you sure that you are okay? Does anything hurt? Can I get you something? A drink, maybe? Or something else?" A wave of questions came from him and it was clear that he was still worried about me.

"I'm fine," I insisted and forced myself to sit upright from the bed. I could feel bandages pulling and a slight sensation of tightness, but otherwise there was no pain. "Kitane, is someone guarding Mitsu? I don't want a repeat."

"Of course, sir."

"Good," I said. "And Taiken?"

"He was there, but it was a distraction. A diversion even. I believe his true goal was you."

"Kazuo... I was so scared you were going to die." Yuzuki said as he took my hand, leaning in a little closer.

I let out a heavy sigh. "I was far more worried about you."

"I'm so sorry. This was all my fault. If I hadn't reacted the way I did, none of this would have happened. I'm sorry, I almost killed you." I could see the tears welling up in his eyes as he spoke, "I don't know what I would have done had you..." He got up and leaned in even closer. I could feel his breath on me as he slowly enclosed his lips on mine.

I wrapped an arm around him and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss he gave me. I groaned into his mouth before I pulled away, and looked off to the side. "It's not your fault," I found myself saying. I couldn't help the twinge of pain in my chest that wasn't from the knife wound. Recalling how I'd felt after they'd left, the way I couldn't seem to ignore the idea that our relationship was simply physical and nothing more.

"Taiken is good at these games. He got to all of us," was all I managed to say after.

I could only just see Yuzuki looking towards where Kitane was before he looked back at me. Taking a deep breath, he slowly started speaking, "I know this is stupid, but you had to almost die for me to realise how much I need you. Kazuo... I- I love you." He pulled his gaze away from me then, focusing on the sheets.

"You... love me?" I was taken by surprise at his words. I hadn't heard him correctly. That had to be it. There was nothing special to our relationship. There couldn't be. My chest tightened. "But... I... I couldn't even get you to trust me for something so vital. How is that possible? To be in love with someone like me?"

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