District 9 Female - AMIRA CERES

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NAME: Amira Ceres

AGE: 18

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Amira is the kind of girl that you would probably not think to look twice at. Her facial features are considerably normal, and Her long mid-back straw colored hair is lighter at the bottom from working in the sun all day long. She has a spray of freckles on her nose and her skin is a golden brown. She is tall, standing at a 5'8", and has some arm muscles from working in the field and harvesting wheat. Her eyes are a dark brown- like the color of chocolate- that complements her hair. She is slightly undeveloped for her age and very skinny from eating a meager diet, of grains, fruit, and very little meat, but she also has muscles from working all the time in the wheat fields.

PERSONALITY: Amira aspires to be just like her sister. She hates when people say that her sister is more impressive, stronger or beautiful. She hates being in the shadow of her 21-year-old sister, Holly. If there is anything that she can do to be better than her sister, she will. She will do whatever it takes to earn the most and earn the prize and meet,or surpass, her sister's standards. While she is jealous and envious of her sister, she does have an extremely romantic side. Amira has always has a secret dream that some handsome rich boy from the Capitol or District One would sweep her off her feet and carry her off into the sunset. She has never told anyone this dream of hers. Not even her best friend and sister.

THE REAPING: Volunteered

WEAPON OF CHOICE: Scythe. She is used to handling these in the field while she harvests, and she has no problem lifting a scythe even though it is very heavy.


LIFESTYLE: Amira's household was a loving and caring one. It was almost perfect. until Holly turned 8 and Amira turned 5. Then Holly began to get all the attention. She was always better than Amira and was constantly told so. This continued for the next 10 years until Holly was reaped for the Hunger Games and won. Now, after living in her sister's shadow for 10 years, Amira is ready for a change. Her sister had always been the best, the prettiest, the smartest and now is a Hunger Games victor as of three years ago. Everyone, even Amira's mother, constantly tells Amira that she's not good or smart enough. Now that Amira's sister is married off and living in District One, Amira finally has a chance to be better. She has secretly been planning to volunteer for the games when she turned 18, catch a Capitol boy's attention, and marry herself off to a better family than her sister could.

TOKEN: A necklace given to her by her sister with grain flowers inside of it. The flowers inside of it were once a gorgeous, vibrant red and lively, but now they are dried and dead. The flowers soon died after Amira's jealousy kicked in.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now