District 6 Female - EMLYN TREVITHICK

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NAME: Emlyn Trevithick

AGE: 16

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: When she's actually washed lately, Emlyn is a pretty young woman. Her blonde hair falls in natural curls down to about her shoulder blades, framing her delicate angular face and large hazel eyes, often cast downwards. Her eyes and full, pink lips are alluring; however, usually all of this is covered in a layer of grime and soot. Her hair looks rather brown under its dirt, and there's always a layer of dirt on her pale, smooth skin. She always has her thin figure, with some muscle on it, and long legs, though they are often covered in bruises from frequent beatings.

PERSONALITY: Emlyn has changed from her younger self. She used to be very outgoing, stubborn and, above all, loud. However, growing up under the harsh rule of the Peacekeepers in Six has led to her becoming veryreserved and shy. She does her work well with her head down and tries not to draw attention to herself. Even within her small circle of friends, Em is quiet and often slightly nervous. Despite all this, she's very comfortable in her life and wouldn't leave it for the world.


WEAPON OF CHOICE: A mace - it may seem violent, but it's reminiscent of the wrenchs she works with at home.


LIFESTYLE: Em was raised in a simple home, not ever having a surplus of food, but never quite starving, with her mother, father, and older brother, who always looked out for her. Unfortunately, when Em was eight one of Maxen's friends was reaped into the Hunger Games. He won, but afterwards turned to morphling as many do to block out the memories of the Games. Maxen, who was fifteen at the time, began to become addicted to morphling as well. Em, still a young girl, began to take over his job at the repair shop so the family could still live comfortably. The family is surviving and Maxen is starting to recover, though his situation is still bad. Em has a routine that she's comfortable in and leads a simple life, working in the shop most days and going to school in the unlikely event that it's closed. At times, she's asked to be a baggage handler, as her beauty is one of the best Six has to offer to the esteemed guests that come, although they are rare. She will always remember one day when she was almost fifteen, and the President came to Six. She was helping with the baggage that day and got to meet him and even talk with him for a while, although afterwards the Peacekeepers beat her for dawdling. She's generally very happy with her position in life.

TOKEN: A small metal bracelet that her father forged her for her thirteenth birthday.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now