District 4 Male - SAMUS KUMAMOTO

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NAME: Samus Kumamoto

AGE: 18

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Like the others in Four, Samus is very fortunate to live in a District where the sun shines and work is completed outside. Thanks to his Asian heritage, Samus's skin takes to the sun extremely well. Thus, his colouring is a deep golden hue. He likes to keep his hair at a decent length, a few inches long but always spiked up towards the front and styled neatly in the back. The majority of Samus's time is spent on a fishing boat, lifting heavy nets of fish and cages of crabs and other such crustaceans. This profession keeps him lean and in decent shape. His dark brown eyes are usually hidden behind sunglasses. When they are visible, they are typically seen closed. Samus's smile is said to be a little too big for his face but it suits his high cheekbones. Though seemingly flawless, Samus has a scar across his right shoulder from an accident in the fishing industry. It does not affect anything but he likes to keep it covered.

PERSONALITY: Many would consider Samus an airhead. He seems like the typical beach bum, a little slow with a high chance of skin cancer. However, he is quite smart. Bored by the slow pace of school, Samus dropped the very second he was permitted to and headed out to work on the boats. He is kind but sometimes can be seen as clingy or annoying. He is quite conversational, always willing to get to know new people. However, Samus doesn't really like people getting to know him. Thus, Samus is a pretty flirty and lies a lot to keep people from really knowing who he is.


WEAPON OF CHOICE: Spear or Trident


LIFESTYLE: Samus's life has always been pretty normal. He grew up with some hard working parents and an older sister. When he was fourteen, Samus dropped out of school and joined his father on the fishing boats. He never had an abundance of friends at school and his separation from the learning environment was never a painful thing. Though he kept to himself, Samus managed to make a wide variety of acquaintances.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now