District 7 Male - AUTUMN HARLOW

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NAME: Autumn Harlow

AGE: 12

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A little windswept and often not caring how he looks, Autumn has never payed much attention to how he looks. If he was bothered enough to spend more than a few seconds in front of a mirror, he would be watched back by a pair of blue eyes that seem to glint whenever he smiles. Of course, you can only see his eyes when he bothers to brush his fringe from in front of his face. His blonde hair, usually a bird's nest rather than a crown, is in need to a cut and tends to make a habit of falling across his eyes; Autumn cannot remember the last time he brushed it. When you look at Autumn as a whole, you will probably most likely notice his height, or lack thereof. Adamant he is due a growth spurt sometime soon, he is certainly smaller than a lot of his friends and it tends to annoy him. However, he makes up for it with a childish smile providing he is happy. When annoyed, Autumn has an almost perfect childlike death stare.

PERSONALITY: Autumn is immature; as much as he hates to admit it, he knows exactly that he will never manage to have the same mindset as his older brothers. However, despite a childish streak, he is otherwise a cheerful boy with a kind heart. He has the tendency to tease people but would never have the courage to cause anyone physical harm. He trusts far too easily, his young and gullible mind falling for any trick anyone might play on him. However, Autumn is not oblivious to everything; he is smart enough to know exactly what he has to do.




LIFESTYLE: Autumn is really no different than any other child in District Seven. The youngest of three brothers, he spent most of his time jumping around tree branches and occasionally coming home with an injury. He quickly learnt that a grass floor tends to be a lot harder than it looks. He would not trade his family for the world, but Autumn frequently wanted to get away from them. He quickly got bored of being 'the youngest' and wanted to finally have some responsibility. Within the woods, he found a baby bird that had fallen from it's nest and he took it upon himself to raise it. Even now, fully grown, it will fly back to him whenever he sings to it. Autumn does not know that he has a pet mockingjay; he believes it's a blackbird so he named it Sooty based on the colour of it's wings.

TOKEN: A feather from Sooty's wing. The bird was not too happy about it.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now