Chapter 30

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Guns, drugs, money, blood. That was the eat sleep and repeat of my life. It's been this way ever since I'd been old enough to join my father on his business. My brothers and I basically lived the same lives, we even shared the same girl.

There was a time when we thought that it'd be that way forever. It was the same for them, but not me. I found myself shifting.

Before Ariel, all I had was family. They were my peace after returning home from a long stressful day of killing. They were the only thing that kept me together, giving me the strength of enduring the crippling life I'd been birthed into. But now that she was here, all that changed. Family wasn't the only thing I now kept dearly to me. I had her. And through finding her, I found another. Dmitri.

They were the light in this world of cruel darkness. They were the rose to my deathly thorn bush. And they were the gasoline to the fire that burnt bright within my corrupt heart.

At times I was left feeling as though I didn't deserve Ariel. How could I? She was so sweet, so serene. And I was dark, and dangerous.

I never felt undeserving of Dmitri though. We were literally the same. Two peas in a pod.
Our lives were deadly and painful. Too much pain for my sweet Ari to take, especially considering what she'd already been through.

At nights I'd watch her sleep as my mind was plagued with terrible thoughts. The constant fear of not being able to protect her gnawed at my insides. And it broke my heart to think of me ever being the reason to put her in danger. How could I protect her from the unseen things of the future, how could I always ensure the safety of her and my future children.

Dad keeps mom same, he'd give his life for her. I'd be like him.

"We can only make the quarters the cut this time around." Santos spoke, dragging me from my miserable thoughts.

"What was that?" I asked, and her repeated.

I raised a brow, staring intensely at him. He shrunk beneath my gaze, desperately trying to make himself smaller.

"Why only three quarters?" My tone was flat.

"We decided to consider other options, Mr Romano." He replied.

"Options?" I pressed, leaning forward and resting my elbows on the conference table. Santos nodded, swallowing nervously. "What other options are there, except my family?"

"Well, you see." Santos started, straightening his once hunched posture. "There's a new option for us on the market, not very big. But they're growing. And we're impressed with their performance so far so we decided on taking chance investing in them."

I sighed, tapping my finger against the table. Santos watched my movements with weary anticipation, probably fearing for his life.

"B..but", he continued, his voice trembling and almost breaking. "As you can see, we've not pulled everything from you. And besides, this is only a test run Mr.Romano. I assure you that if it fails, we'll return to the regular percentage agreed upon."

I only nodded to the man's rambling.

"And tell me something Santos." I mumbled. "Who exactly did you invest in?"

"Carbone." He croaked out his reply.

Without another word, I got up from around the table and exited the room. Not missing the long exhale of relief from Santos before I closed the door.

Fucking Carbone. They were new in the business, a small gang on the rise in Italy. They weren't enemies to my family, but not so much allies either. Dad had uncle Enzo keeping an eye on them and so far they hadn't stepped out of line.

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