Chapter 20

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"Have you seen Mariano?" I asked one of the maids while my eyes searched the room. She stopped dusting the furniture to look at me.

"They've gone out to work, I believe. Left early this morning with Mr Romano." She informed. I thanked her for her time and she nodded, not wasting a second before going back to work.

I'd woken up this morning to an empty bed. It kinda hurt my feelings but I understood Mariano was a busy man. I however had my questions about what exactly he was doing at this 'work' he claimed to be going to ever so often. It puzzled me how he'd disappear at early times of the morning, only to return the next day at those same hours.

And it wasn't something he alone took part in, all the men in the house did this. His brothers, Luciano and Dmitri who's been here for roughly three weeks.

Kelsey didn't really seem to mind, I could tell she'd been used to it for a long while now.

Luciano's presence in the house has been more frequent than usual. I believe it has to do with Kelsey's due date drawing near. I'm so excited for her.

Sighing I walked to the kitchen, head hung low. It hurt my heart that Mari left like that. Be could've at least woke me up to inform me of his departure.

I got to the kitchen and almost made a u-turn when I spotted Dmitri by the stove cooking. I would've left but the smell of the food didn't permit me to. And man was I hungry. 

I'd been avoiding him since Mariano told me to a few weeks back. He never really gave me an explanation as to why, but I listened nonetheless.

This'd been made easy by the fact that Dmitri has also been keeping his distance. The most he does is nods in my direction whenever we cross paths but I have caught him staring intensely at Mariano and I whenever we're together.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't creep me out one or two times, because it really did. I don't know why though, he wasn't giving off a creepy vibes. He just stared at us with a dull glint of something in his eyes.

Those hard, cold blue eyes that I've seen soften whenever they caught a glimpse of me and Mariano locking lips.

"Good morning, Ariel." His voice was low, acknowledging my presence without even turning to look who it was.

"Good morning." I answered, smiling a dull smile. "How'd you know it was me?"

I was curious. He didn't even see me but he knew it was me who'd entered the kitchen.

"I know your scent." He chuckled, back still turned as he flipped the egg in the frying pan.

"Oh." I whispered, fiddling with my fingers before taking a seat around the counter.

"Breakfast?" He bass filled voice asked, disguised in a soft, kind tone.

"Uhm. Yes please." I nodded, even though he couldn't see me.

He groaned in agreement and I sat still, watching as he cracked another eggs into the pan and did his thing. My eyes couldn't help but wander across his features.

Features I didn't really take the time to appreciate. He muscular body was big, not bigger than Mariano but big nonetheless. He was infact taller by maybe an inch or two.

I wonder if it's longer too. Maybe it was just as it appeared. Mariano's body was more buff so he'd have the fatter cock. And Dmitri was taller so he'd have the longer one.

I shook my head at the dirty thought, eyes dropping to my legs as they clenched together to stop the erratic pulsing of my clit.

I raised my gaze again, drinking in the man before me. What had I become, I couldn't be thinking like that. Not when I had Mariano who was the most perfect man to me.

Where were these thoughts crawling out of. Wherever it was, they'd better do a reverse.

Dmitri's muscles flexed as he removed the egg from the pan and reached for the bread from the cupboard. His tight black shirt raising a bit, but far enough for me to see the hair on his lower abdomen as the traveled down and disappeared under his shorts.

Heaven help me.

About five minutes later of me ogling, I snapped out of my tranced when Dmitri placed a delicious looking egg sandwich on a plate before me.

"Thank you." I chirped, my mouth watering. He just nodded and got me a hot cup of cocoa tea.

Without hesitation I recited my grace and dug in. He sat across from me with his own sandwich and a cup of black coffee, watching me as I ate.

This made me conscious of my hoggish state of eating and I stopped, dropping the sandwich on the plate.

"You don't like the food?" He asked, seemingly offended before taking a bite out of his own sandwich.

"I do." Was all I answered, looking down shyly.

"So why'd you stop eating?"

"Uh, no reason." I smiled weekly, continuing my meal. Careful not to gobble it all down to quickly and make a bad impression of myself in front of him.

Why'd I even want to impress him in the first place.

We ate in silence for the rest of breakfast and after finishing I took his place and mine to the sink. He objected against this but I assured him it was the least I could do after he prepared me such a filling meal.

"Do you by any chance know where exactly Mariano is?" I asked, rinsing the mugs.

"Why?" His voice seemed to perk at the mention of my boyfriend's name.

"Just wondering." I confessed.

"He's at the other house." Dmitri's voice came out choked and I turned in time to catch his eyes staring at my butt.

They quickly diverted and met mine as I stared at him in confusion.

"What other house?" I cocked my brows and he frowned.

"Oh, you don't know." Were the words that left his lips with a chuckle.





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