Chapter 15

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Pulling into the garage, I parked the car and got out briskly. Not forgetting to take the stuff I purchased for Ariel along with me. The bag contained everything I said I'd purchase, except for the toy.

Yup, I got jealous at last minute and decided not to. Seeing all those plastic dicks and thinking of them getting to enter her sweet little hole made me livid. So no, I'm never ever sharing. Not even with a damn sex toy.

Upon entering the house I heard laughter resonating from the kitchen, so instinctively I followed it. Only to be greeted by Ariel tickling Sally who was seated on the countertop while no other than Dimitri stared intensely at her.

She didn't even notice his burning gaze on her, too busy playing with my little brother. The man had this predatory look off lust written over his face. As if any minute he'd grab my woman and kidnap her on the next flight back to his mother land.

His Russian ass best not even think about it.

My attention shifted from Dimitri and back to Ariel. My eyes traced her dreamy figure, she wore a white merino with a pair of short black tights. And might I just say Lord, I was going to have a feast tonight.

Her voluptuous cheeks swallowed up the tights holding it firm and tight, exactly how I wanted them to swallow my face.

Now I'm not one to eat ass, but for this woman. I'd do anything. Those succulent buns cannot go untasted.

I grew angry, seeing as I wasn't the only one looking at her nice cheeks. Dimitri seemed to be lost deep in his thoughts, his gaze on them.

I cleared my throat which caught everyone's attention. Their heads shot in my direction and I smirked when Ariel tried to hide her little smile. I knew she was a bit embarrassed from our little call earlier today but I'd make it up to her tonight.

"Mariano!" Sally yelled, jumping from the counter like a mad person. I swear, he's always doing some dangerous shit.

"Hey, little man." I cooed, placing the stuff on the counter and picking him up. "What's up?"

"Mitri came to visit." He informed, pointing to Dimitri who gave a nod. I nodded back.

Bitch ass.

"I can see that." I smiled, placing him back on the counter and moving to Ariel. I handed her the box of cupcakes and flowers. She smiled shyly opening the box.

"For me?" She asked and I nodded, going in for a little kiss.

Before my lips could meet hers, Dimitri coughed.

He did it deliberately. The little shit must've wanted me to shoot his fucking kneecaps.

"Where's your dad?" He asked when I side eyed him.

In your dad's ass, that's where he is. How the fuck am I supposed to know.

"He's at the warehouse." I answered truthfully and he nodded.

I went to kiss my girl again and he interrupted with another cough. I was raging. This dude, what the fuck was his problem.

"What is it now?" I asked in an angry tone. My fist clenched seeing a dirty little smirk across his devious pink lips.

"When will he be back?" He smirked.

"Soon." I answered again and he nodded, his eyes going from Ariel to me with an analyzing look on his face.

Ariel bit her lip looking shyly at me. I didn't even try to go in for a kiss again before Dimitri began coughing.

"You got asthma or you just want to finish, dude." I turned my full attention to him. Ariel placed her hand on my arm without saying a word. Seeing this action from her, Dimitri stood up.

"Maybe I just wanna fight." He smirked.

"Fine by me." I stalked towards him, our heights matching up.

"No the hell you don't." I heard from behind, then felt a harsh slap to the back of my head.

"Aunt Kels, what the fuck." Dimitri whined, holding his head.

Good, he got hit too. Dirty ass.

"Watch your language with me boy, before I pinch your ass." My mom scolded and Mitri frowned, nodding with respect.

"What the hell are you two young monkeys fighting about now?" She asked, taking a seat around the counter and placing a kiss on Sally's forehead.

"We're not fighting." I grumbled.

"Want one?" Ariel asked, passing the cupcakes to mom. She nodded, taking one from the box. I smiled, nothing better than seeing your girl being kind to your mother.

"They're fighting over Ariel." Sally laughed and my mom raised her brow at us.

"Not this shit again, come on." She grumbled inaudibly before taking a bite of the cupcake.

"What was that?" I asked but she just shook her head and chuckled.

"Can I talk to you in private?" Ariel whispered to me and I nodded. Exactly what I needed, some alone time.


Following her as she exited the kitchen, I was left dumbfounded when Dimitri tried to trip my feet.

This grown ass man.






BE MY LIGHTजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें