Chapter 9

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"Show me what you got." Lucas said, trying to peek into my cards.

"Nope." I grinned, popping the p.

We were all playing cards. Him, the twins and I. And I'll tell you, that little boy was sneaky as hell.

We were seated on the floor around the coffee table. Keira suggested we used cushions to make it more comfortable and it did. I was really enjoying their company.

And the family was great. But I must admit, I had encountered a few awkward moments here. Like for example, a huge truck moving large packages from the guesthouse in the middle of the night. But that was none of my black ass business.

I wasn't gonna try to snoop around and get killed. I was here to get my dollars chip and then dip.

Even though, I kinda wouldn't mind staying.

"Aha!" Keara shouted cheerfully, dropping her cards on the table.

"I win." She cheered and I chuckled when I saw Lucas frowning face. He had his eyes narrowed at his sister with his lips curled up, exposing the little gap where his teeth fell out.

Upon closer inspection, I realized that there was another teeth there. I had just started to grow back. Lucky him.

My head whipped down to the hallway when I heard loud footsteps. I had no doubt it was Luciano and his sons. They always came back this time of the evening.

Kelsey and I had already helped the kids with their homework. So while I was keeping their company, she was in the kitchen baking. Salvatore not leaving her side.

Not until his father rounded the corner with two unfamiliar men and the triplets. I slowly bit my bottom lip when Mariano made eye contact with me.

He gave me a devious smile before looking away.

"Uncle Alexei, Uncle Enzo!" Sally screamed in joy, running to the strangers. The moment Lucas heard those names, he dropped the cards he was shuffling and sprinted in their direction.

Both men took up each of the boys and greeted them. The two kids hugged them longingly before being placed down.

Then, everyone went to the kitchen. Leaving me alone with the cards. I won't lie when I say I felt kinda lonely.

They had such a big family and I had none.

Sometimes, life just isn't fair to some of us. It's very cruel and very dark. I packed away the cards and cushions then sat on the couch, twiddling with my fingers.

I was too busy drowning in self pity I didn't see Mario join me in the living room.

"Come on." He said, giving me a warm smile and offering his hand. I took it willingly and he led me into the kitchen.

He cleared his throat upon entering and just like that we had everyone's attention. Just like that, all eyes on us. Mostly me.

The two strange men looked at each other, then at me again. And just like Mr Luciano, they were hot. I had to question if all the men in this family looked like a snack. Even in their old age.

"You must be this Ari person I've been hearing so much about." One of them smirked, reaching for my hand and giving it a kiss.

"I'm Enzo. Luciano's younger brother." He introduced. I looked at Luciano and at him, the resemblance was undeniable.

"And I'm Alexei." The other introduced, kissing the same spot that Enzo kissed.


I'm probably a creepy fuck for thinking that was kinda hot.

"So are you related Mr Luciano?" I asked and he chuckled.

"In some ways yes, but not by blood. Enzo and I share the same wife." He explained and I nodded.

Him and Enzo were probably getting down and dirty. Heheheh.

It's a new world we live in, people can be in whatever relationships they like. I'm not judging.

"I've heard quite a lot about you." He smirked, his gaze shifting from Mariano to me. I'd only been here for a month, how much could he had heard in that space of time.

"Okay, you all can get to know each other over dinner. I'm quite sure we're here for work related matters." Luciano interrupted, waving us goodbye as he and the others went to his office.

"Hey, come here." Massimo spoke holding out his hand for me to take. I took it hesitantly, I didn't know why but I felt like I could trust them. I felt really safe around this family, like they wouldn't do anything to harm me.

Massimo led me into a quiet hallway. I was just him and I.

"Wait for him here." He smirked before heading in the direction of his dad's office.

"Wait for who?" I called after him but he didn't answer.

"Wait for me." I heard a voice behind me. My heart leaped from my chest and I hurriedly turned around, only to be greeted with a handsome Mariano.

I looked around, it was only us. In a vacant hallway, seemed like a murder scene to me.
I got on guard, just in case he decided to do anything sus.

"Relax Ari, I'm not going to hurt you." He cooed stepping forward. I stepped back, ready to make a run for it until he gently grabbed my hand.

"I wanted to speak to you alone, in private." He stated before opening a door and ushering for me to follow. For some reason I did. You know when you have a gut feeling telling you not to do something, this was quite the opposite.

It was telling me I should.

When we entered, I saw that it was a library. A huge one at that. Mariano closed the door, he didn't shut it with a key. Goosebumps filled my skin when he crept up behind me.

My first reaction was to run away, because that's exactly what that dead bastard did. He'd always creep up behind me when I unknowingly minding my business.

But when Mariano placed his hand on my arm to stop me from running, I found myself liking his touch. It was so gently, yet kinda rough. It was as if he was trying his best to be soft with his touch. Like I was fragile, which I kinda was.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I swallowed the lump in my throat and asked.

That very minute, he pulled me into his firm chest. He engulfed me in his arms and sighed in relief. I kinda just stood there, shocked. I didn't know if I was to hug him back.

"I wanted to talk to you because I wanted to tell you that I like you, Ari." He spoke and my body froze.

"I really like you and uhmm...I was kinda wondering if you l..liked me back." Mariano stuttered and I don't know why, but my heart did a cartwheel.






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