Chapter 2

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I smooth down my tube dress over my hips. Trying to calm my nervousness.

No, I wasn't nervous about the cops finding Peter's dead body. I was nervous about this job interview.

I entered through the side door of the strip club and the big guard escorted me to the boss' office in the back.

"You can go ahead and knock." He said before leaving me alone, staring at the door.

I quickly gathered my thoughts and hesitantly knocked on the door. The moment I did, I heard a voice from behind the door.

"Enter." It said and I did just that. Carefully, I pushed the door open and stepped into the well lit room.

Behind a desk and old black man sat with a blunt between his fingers. I froze on spot when his eyes met mine. You could tell that he was well up in age, but he kinda looked handsome.

"Are you going to sit, pretty lady. Or are you going to stand and stare until my balls fall off in this chair." He chuckled, cocking his head and staring intensely at me.

"Oh sorry." I chirped, hurrying to sit in the chair in front of his desk.

"So, what brings a beauty like yourself to a place like this?" He asked, puffing the joint and exhaling a huge amount of smoke.

I fanned it as some clouded around my head and he just chuckled.

"You should really stop smoking that you know. It's bad for your health." I pressed, feeling somewhat caring towards the old man.

"I've been hearing that for years now, but I ain't dead yet, pretty. In fact, I've lived longer than the fuckers that told me that shit." He retorted with a smirk on his face.

Fair enough.

"Ok then." I smiled innocently at him. He put out the blunt in the ash tray and drank a whole bottle of water.

When he was finished, he folded his hands across his chest and just stared at me. As if he was trying to analyze something.

"Why are you here?" He finally asked.

"I need a job." I answered honestly, feeling so small under his gaze.

"Here?" He retorted, sounding a bit in denial.

"Yes. Here."

"Nope." He answered blankly before pulling a chocolate bar from his drawer and stuffing his face.

I looked around and my eyes landed on his name thingy on his desk. It read 'Mr. Graham.'

I gulped, feeling my heart sink into my chest as I got ready to beg.

"Please Mr Graham. I need this job." I begged and he chuckled.

"Look, pretty. The answer is still no." He said plainly and I sighed in defeat.

I ain't begging more than once.

"Why?" I asked, curious as to why he'd just turn me down like that.

"This place isn't for a girl like you, dear. The women who work here, you're nothing like them. They're drug addicts and your regular hoes. I couldn't put you in that environment and risk destroying you." He explained before handing me a chocolate bar.

I shook my head no and watched as he just stuffed it down his throat.

"But I.." Before I could finish, he cut me off.

"No buts, darling. The answer is no."

"O..ok." I sighed in defeat, getting ready to leave.

"What are you running from, pretty lady?" I heard him ask a I made my way for the door. His question stopped me dead in my tracks.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, turning to face him. I wondered if he knew for a minute. But then realized that there was no way he could've known.

"No need to play dumb, pretty." He laughed. "I've been in the illegal business long enough to know when someone is on the run. So have a seat and tell me what you're running from. Maybe I can help you."

He ushered for me to sit and I did. He then handed me a box of cupcakes and a drink.

Where does this man keep these things. 

He must have had a terrible case of munchies from smoking all that weed.

I took it and willingly ate. I was a bit hungry after all.

About half an hour passed as I told him my story and like a true father, he sat there and listened. I hadn't had anyone to talk to for so long, I actually broke into tears.

"Look little lady. You've been through so much and I know you know that it's a dark, cruel world we live in. You've seen it with your own two eyes from such a young age and no child deserves that." He encouraged and I nodded, finishing the strawberry cupcake and moving on to the chocolate.

"That's why I needed this job." I sobbed, stuffing my face and brushing the crumbs off my lap.

"And that's why I can't give it to you." He added and I hung my head low.

"But I'll tell you what, I might have a job for you. I have two kids and my daughter has a lot of little ones. I'm sure she could use the extra hands, seeing that she's pregnant again." He smiled at me and I stared at him with gleamy eyes.

"Really?" I asked cheerfully.

"Yes. But she's in Italy." He answered and I frowned.


"Don't worry about it. This is not a scam and I'm serious. You wouldn't have to worry about anything. My son will be going there soon so if you accept, I'd just call her to inform her." Mr Graham assured.

I thought about it for a minute and decided on going. After all, he'd be taking care of Peter and I wouldn't have to worry about the cops.

"So do we have a deal?" He smiled a reassuring smile and I nodded.

"Yes." I stated shaking his hand before going back to the cupcakes.

When I was all finished he passed me a cinnamon roll and a bottle of water. I took it without hesitation and sat there with him as he ate a big bag of Doritos.

I had a job.






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