Chapter 3

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"Remember, just act normal." Keon smiled encouragingly as we entered the huge ass mansion. These people must be rich rich.

They probably wiped their asses with money.

Keon was really nice to me. He was friendly and treated me like a little sister. I felt somewhat safe around him. And his wife, Suzanne was really sweet. She took me shopping and got me new clothes for my travel.

They also had a little girl. Lorie was her name. She was a pretty cool kid but very bold. She told me my butt rose off my body like the back end of a truck. She giggled and said it looked like her aunt Kelsey's.

I was soon informed that Ms. Kelsey was the one I'd be working for.

The moment we stepped into the living room, I was greeted with laughter and commotion. Three kids were running all over the place. Twin girls and a little boy. He held a pink sweater in his hands as the girls chased after him.

"Lucas, Give me back my sweater you twit." One of the twins yelled. They looked about fourteen or fifteen.

"Never!" The boy screamed in laughter as he jumped from couch to couch. I looked at my sides, stunned that Keon and his family had left.

Why would they leave me alone in this place. I didn't even know these people.

My gaze shifted to a little boy when he tugged at my dress. He was so cute with his puffy cheeks and full lips. You could tell that he was a biracial baby. They all were.

"You must be the new lulla lady." He smiled innocently, looking up at me.

The what.

"The who?" I asked, feeling confused.

"The lullaby lady. You know, you'll sing me lullabies whenever mommy isn't feeling well. Lulla lady." He answered, sucking on his bottom lip. He was so young and polite.

"Oh." I said nodding my head. "How old are you cutie pie?"

"Four." He answered, looking at his toes as he rocked back and forth on the heel of his feet.

"Ok then. And what is your name, little man?" I asked, stooping down to his height.

"I'm Salvatore, but you can call me Sally." He answered before stepping closer and sniffing me.

"You smell nice." He giggled and I couldn't help but smile and offer a genuine thank you for his innocent compliment.

"And who are they?" I asked, pointing to his siblings. I assumed they were related since the all shared undeniable features.

"Those are my siblings and bestest friends. The twins are Kiera and Kiara and that's my dummy brother Luca. Their fourteen and he's six." Sally told me.

"Luca is the dreamer. He thinks he's dad's favorite but everyone knows the youngest is always the favorite in the house." He continued and I couldn't help but laugh. The little boy was a real piece of work.

Suddenly everything went quiet and the three kids that were damaging the place were now seated on the couches. Looking as innocent as ever.

"What's happening?" I asked, looking around.

"Mommy's here." Sally announced cheerfully and ran down the hall. I assumed that that's where his mother was coming from. And I was correct.

I watched as Salvatore walked hand in hand with a woman who seemed to be in her mid twenties. I thought to myself that she couldn't possibly be the mother of all those kids.

She had broad hips and a big butt. Curvy in all the right places. And I don't know how to explain it, but her cute baby bump made her seem much more attractive. Her hair was pulled back in a bun and the hairstyle showed off her beautiful face structure.

Somebody needed to watch their wife because I was simping for this woman, hard.

I was all bricked up and I didn't even have a dick. But honestly, she was breathtaking.

"Ahh, you must be Ariel." She walked towards me, passing her kids but not before giving them a stern look.

All their heads followed their mom and landed in my direction. I gulped, finding it kinda hard to speak.

"Yes." I nodded frantically and she chuckled.

"That's good." She smiled, looping her elbow into mine and leading me farther into the house.

I walked beside her and Salvatore trailed along as we made our way through the halls of the huge mansion. All the while, Kelsey telling me about the kids and what they liked and disliked. And what exactly my job entailed.

I didn't have much to do. I was only assigned to help the kids whenever her pregnancy symptoms were too much. I'd just bathe, comb their hairs, play with them and help them with whatever tasks that needed my assistance. And that was only when their parents weren't available.

It sounded pretty easy to me.

"Ok, time to meet my bitch." Kelsey smirked and I raised my brows at her.

Her bitch.

And by the way, she told me to call her Kelsey. Said Mrs made her feel like her clit looked like dried raisins. Whatever that meant.

She pushed two huge black doors open and I was greeted with the breathtaking view of an office. Man when I said these people must be rich.

The office wasn't what caught my eye though. No not at all.

It was the person in it. There was a man seated around a desk and he stood up when we stepped in.

The man was freaking art work. I watched intensely as he strutted towards us, his muscles barely held by his suit.

'My God.' I thought to myself as I eyed him. He had a few barely visible strands of gray hair. But I saw them, after all I couldn't miss them. Not with how hard I was staring.

"No. My bitch." I heard Kelsey whisper against my ear and the man chuckled, stretching his hand for his wife to take.

She did and he pulled her into a bruising kiss.

"I'm still here, nasty adults." I heard Salvatore whine and his parents quickly pulled apart.

The little snail spoiled the show.

"This is my husband Luciano." Kelsey introduced and the work of God stretched his hand for me to shake.

"Pleased to meet you sir." I smiled nervously, drinking in the dilf.

"Please, call me Luciano. Will you be having dinner with us?" He asked and Kelsey nodded.

"Great." Sally cheered, taking my hand in his and leading me out of the office.

"Stop it Squidward." I heard Kelsey laughing loudly as Sally took me down the halls.






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