Chapter 18

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"Why so sulky, son?" Dad quipped as he joined me in the kitchen. I frowned, not wanting to think about it. Not when I left the living room to escape exactly that.

"Nothing." I groaned, my mouth going bitter. He said nothing as I poured the alcoholic content down the sink drain. My mood was completely ruined.

How could she be living rent free in my head already. I barely even knew the woman. But here I was, stressed over her not being mine.

Why'd she have to be with him. Why'd he have to be with her.
He always gets the nicest fucking things.

Shit just never seems to go my way. Ever. I can never get what I want.

And I want her. I want him.

Fuck. Fuck them both. Fuck them for screwing with my head like this. I'm fucking livid, going insane. I hate them both.

I hate that they are with each other and not with me. But I know it'd never work. What'd my dad think about me being bisexual. He'd probably hate me. Maybe even scorn me.

Yes. I like Mariano, a lot. I always have. But never has he ever expressed same feelings towards me. So I am left alone to bask in my own unhappiness. I'm pathetic.

I was about to leave and head upstairs to the bedroom I'd be occupying for the next few weeks when I felt dad's hand around my upper arm. I stopped in my tracks staring at him as his eyes scanned my face. I knew the look all too well. He was reading me.

"Don't do anything stupid." He warned before releasing me, his gaze still hard and analyzing.

"I have no idea what you are on about." I defended, trying to seem oblivious.

"Really. So your sulkiness isn't about the girl sitting out there on Mariano's lap." He chuckled and I felt my left eye twitch.

I sucked my teeth and saw myself hurt, getting more and more agitated by the distinct sound of his laughter behind me as I climbed the stairs. I didn't get what was so damn funny to him.

Reaching my bedroom, I sighed while plopping myself on the bed. The day wasn't ever over yet and I already wanted to crawl away in a little hole and sleep.

I knew I was wrong. I shouldn't be thinking like this. My sister is already in a relationship with his brothers so that'd be fucked up to want to be with him. Especially when he used to be with her too.

I can't help but fantasize though. I really can't. And it's become much worse now that Ariel is in the picture.

The things I want to do to them. The things I'd let them do to me. Things I'd never dear to let slip past my thoughts.

Mariano and I have been on a few jobs together. Our families do a lot of business partnerships together. From guns to drugs, you name it. We've fought alongside each other and killed with each other. I was there when he took his first hit job.

We've done almost everything together. Everything except the one thing I want the most. We've done everything except fuck.

My eyes darted to the door when I heard the lock shifting. Only to be met by the one and only.


"Can I come in?" He asked and I nodded.

You can come in anytime you want. He entered and shut the door behind him.

"Look, I sense the bullshit and all so I'm just going to come out and say it." He wasted no time in speaking his mind.

"Stay away from my girl. I don't know what your fucking deal is and quite frankly I don't really care. Cause we used to be cool and all, until you pulled that stunt the other day in the kitchen." Mariano continued, eyeing me and I did the same. Except, he was giving warning eyes but mine held fury. Fury I wanted to fuck out of me and into him. Him and his woman.

"You're right. My bad, I'm sorry about the other day. I was really out of line." I apologized, getting up from the bed and standing before him.

We stood face to face and his eyes scanned mine for sincerity. Except I wasn't. I wasn't sorry at all, but I definitely knew how to fake emotions.

"Just stay in line and that line's far far away from my girl." He scowled and I nodded.

"Cool." I nodded.

"Cool." He replied and we stood in a pregnant silence for a few seconds. Although it felt much longer than that.

"Friends?" I outstretched my hands for a handshake, a devious smirk playing on my face.

Mariano's gaze shifted from my face to my hand and back to my face again. I nodded kindly trying to make peace.

He took the hand for a shake and that was when he least expected it.

I grabbed his huge body, full force and dragged him closer to me. Crashing my lips down again his plump pink ones. A mixture of his mum's and dad's.

It caught he by surprise and for a split second his body went still. Then, his fist was slamming into my jaw.

"Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you. What the fuck is wrong with you." He yelled at me as I held my pained jaw, looking only at the floor.

"Fuck!" He whisper yelled before rushing to the door. "I come to make peace with you and you pull some bullshit like that. You should be glad I didn't fucking kill you."

My head raised when the doors slammed shut, a huge grin on my face. I must've looked like a crazy person with my bloodstained teeth as I stared at the door.

Peace. Peace my ass.

I don't want peace, I want problems. Always.

And you Mariano, you are the definition of problem. But don't worry, dad thought me how to handle my problems well.

Just as well as I'll handle you and Ariel.

Maybe even better.





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