Chapter 14

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"And what does the cat say?" I sung in a cheerful voice as I clapped my hands.

"Meow meow." Sally sang, jumping around on the couch. "Meow meow."

"Great, such a smart boy." I praised before I began sorting his learning materials.

"I'm no boy, I'm a man." He stopped jumping and pushed his chest out. "Just like my dad."

"Of course you are." I teased making my way towards him and giving him a kiss on his little shiny forehead.

One thing about that boy, he was always shiny and smelt sweet. Kelsey must be rubbing his in vaseline.

"And if you eat your vegetables, you'll become even stronger than your dad." I encouraged and he stuck his tongue out and gagged.

"Yuck." He pouted and I couldn't help my laughter.

"I eat it when mommy cooks it though, she makes it tasty." He added and I nodded.

"You did good today Sally, keep it up and you'll be smarter than Albert Einstein by 10." I encouraged and he came in for a hug. I engulfed him in my arms and felt myself sigh in content.

"You're the best lulla lady ever." He giggled, resting his head on my breasts.

"That means so much to me, thank you." I smiled, feeling my heart leap.

"Mhmm." Sally sighed, cuddling up against my boobs. I was shocked when I felt him place his tiny hand on it.

"Hey hey." I warned and he acted as if he didn't hear me.

"Do you have any milk?" I was dumbfounded by his question.

"Nope." I answered blankly yet shocked.

"Why?" Sally queried.

"Well because I don't.." I tried explaining but his words cut me off.

"Mommy doesn't give me milk anymore. When I asked Mariano why, he said dad drank it all. Is that true, did my dad steal my milk away from me?" I tried not to laugh, truth be told. I don't know why I found it funny.

"I don't know, I don't think that's true, Sally. Mariano probably lied to you." I explained and he nodded before jumping into my arms.

"Let's go eat some healthy foods." Sally cheered as we headed to the kitchen.

"Can you name some healthy foods?" I said in a high pitched voice.

"You sound like Dora." He scoffed and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

What's wrong with Dora.

"What's wrong with Dora?" I asked sassily, setting him down on the counter and grabbing some fruits from the fridge.

"Dora is crazy." He replied in a sure tone.

What the.. this kid.

"What?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah, that little girl is crazy. Dad says she's ill and needs to see a doctor, immediately. Because she keeps talking to herself. And my brothers say she's an annoying little puttana who runs around with her pet monkey and always wears the same clothes everyday because she never washed her nasty culo." Sally explained and my mouth hung ajar, I was speechless.

"Oh ok." Was all I said, couldn't even find the words to argue with that. They were kinda right in my defense.

"Here you go." I smiled, passing the fruit bowl to Sally after I was finished preparing it.

We sat in the kitchen eating for a while as I was so captivated by his stories. He knew so much at such a little age, and the boy had jokes.

He reminded me of why I didn't think of having kids. Cause they be telling all your business for real.

After we finished eating, I washed the dishes we used and cleaned up the area. I took Sally off the counter and placed him to stand beside me while I fetched him some water.

I was about to pass the small bottle water to him when I heard him squeal.

"Mitri!" Sally yelled joyfully and I turned to see him running towards a tall white guy who stood by the kitchen entrance watching us.

The guy stooped down and embraced Salvatore in a hug.

"How have you been little man?" He laughed, picking him up.

His accent was different from Luciano's and his sons'. It sounded like Alexei's. In fact, they both shared a slight resemblance. I could see the similar jawline structure.

"I've been great, just finished learning about animals with Ariel!" Sally exclaimed.

"And who is this Ariel?" The guy asked, his voice deep and mesmerizing. Not as mesmerizing as Mariano's, but still mesmerizing.

Why the fuck would I even compare them.

"That's Ariel." Sally said, pointing to me. The guy looked up and his eyes caught mine. For a second I wanted to evaporate.

Those blue eyes were piercing into my soul. I nodded at him and he smirked at me.

Dear lord.

Slowly he placed Salvatore down and stalked towards me. Without a word, he took my hand in his and placed a kiss on it. Letting his lips stay for a little longer than they should have.

"Dimitri Lenkov. Pleased to meet you, little flower." He smirked seductively and I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

Mariano Romano, come home soon.





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