Chapter 8

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I sat across dad's desk as he stared at me with a broad grin plastered on his face. The man was making me uncomfortable.

We'd been like this for a few minutes now. He called me into his office, saying it was very urgent. But here we were, staring like dummies without uttering a word.

He smiled at me happily. For a murderer, he sure smiled a lot. And that's what made the man more dangerous. His enemies could never tell whether he was angry or not.

"Dad, quit staring at me like that. It's creepy." I broke the silence and he chuckled.

"Ok my boy. Tell me how the meeting went."

"Well, when my brothers and I were negotiating with them. The boss made it clear to us that he wouldn't agree on the percentage you agreed to issue to him. He was very persistent with his decision." I explained.

"So how did you persuade him?" Dad queried and I smirked.

"I killed him." My father's expression changed at my statement and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Really. Why do that?"

"Well, I couldn't persuade him. So I thought, why not persuade the others. And it worked." I smiled a victory smile.

I liked good days at work.

"What about the mess?" He asked and I nodded.

"All cleaned up."

He knew I wasn't the type to leave my messes for others to clean up. I did it myself, that way it'd be done right. I wouldn't have to worry about being displeased by the cleaners.

"Well, it seems you've got your part under control. Can you vouch for your brothers?"

"Yes." I nodded and he dismissed the subject.

I was hungry, hadn't eaten all morning. My stomach was in knots. The cooks had prepared lunch but I really wasn't in the mood. Now, I terribly regretted not eating. I got up to leave but Dad stopped me.

"I'm not done with you yet." He smirked, signalling for me to sit back down. I did.

"So what is up with you and Ariel?" His question caught me off guard, causing my eyes to widen.

Ariel. I hadn't seen her all morning.

"Nothing." I stated blankly. It wasn't a lie.

There was nothing between us. Of course I was attracted to her but it didn't seem like a mutual thing. She seemed annoyed by my presence, so I doubted she'd want anything intimate with me.

Not that I'm sad about it.

Well maybe I was. Just a little.

I remember when I sat between her legs while she combed my hair. Her thighs were so thick and she smelt nice and fresh.

I so badly wanted to turn my head and bury my nose into her crotch. Just wanted to stay there and sniff it all day.

"Don't play dumb with me boy. I know you like her." He smiled accusingly. I did.

"Whatever Dad." I wasn't going to deny it. That's just stupid.

"Your Mom knows too and she said I should tell you not to be silly and wrap your willy. Because she doesn't want Ariel to suffer like she does." Dad laughed and I chuckled.

"Which I totally don't understand. What part of having kids is so suffering." He continued and I shrugged.

I wanted kids but not a lot. Maybe two, a girl and a boy.

I didn't want a whole herd like mom and dad. I could see why she said it was suffering. They had a whole volleyball team and I doubted they were even finished.

But that's what they get for being sex addicts.

"Bye Dad." I stated blankly, getting up from the chair and walking towards the door.

"Love is in the air!" I heard the my old man scream like a girl. I swear I had the craziest family.

Making my way down the halls I entered the kitchen to fetch something to eat. Only to see my mom and Ariel sitting around the counter and laughing madly.

Mom was eating bread, as usual. I cannot comprehend how someone could love bread like that. Whenever the cooks baked any, it wouldn't last long. She'd finish them off before anyone had the chance to get a taste.

My eyes trailed over Ari's body and landed on her face. She was looking right back at me and my heart leaped when our eyes met. We were stuck like that for a few seconds until I broke my gaze and went to grab one of Sally's juice boxes from the fridge.

"That's not for you, boy." Mom warned and I shrugged her off, sticking in the plastic straw.

"I remember when I used to have juice boxes." I pouted and she faked a sad look.

"Aaw, you want juice box. Do you Mari?" She cooed and I nodded, bringing the straw to my mouth and sucking everything out of the box. My eyes met Ari's as she stared at me with her bottom lip between her teeth.

The woman was so ethereal.

I found myself swooning over her beauty and in the corner of my vision, mom was there wiggling her brows.

She didn't like Ursa, she despised her. She said something about Ursa reminding her of a blonde racist woman that she came across when she just met dad.

But she didn't have to worry about the human lawnmower anymore. I stopped seeing her from that night Ari came here.

"If you want juice boxes Mariano, you should buy your own. And stop stealing from your little brothers." Mom scolded.

"They steal from me too. They always steal my money." I argued and she sucked her teeth.

"Boy you know you damn well lying. Those little kids wouldn't know how to steal if their lives depended on it." She chuckled.

She knew very well they were some little demon thieves. After all, they got the sticky fingers from her.

I grabbed another juice box and a bag of chips and sat beside Ari and Mom. She didn't complain.

A few minutes into me eating in silence, mom got up and left. Not before poking my ribs and encouraging me to talk to Ariel.

When we were alone, I scooted closer to her. I looked down to see how close our legs were and I sneakily made them touch.

For some odd reason it made me blush. And she chuckled a little. She looked up at me and I smiled. I could see her trying to fight the urge to return one.

Ariel was breathtaking. I would've never thought she had it in her to kill.

But some people have a breaking point, and that sick bastard deserved exactly what he got.

My poor baby.

She's been through a lot and I just wanted to give her a big hug and tell her how much I'd always be there for her. But I wasn't that good with emotions.

I'd have something good in my head to say but the moment I opened my mouth, something offensive came out. But I was trying, and making progress.

"Hi." I whispered staring into her beady brown eyes.

"Hi." She answered back.

"Want some of my chips?" I asked, handing her the bag. She nodded and took it from my hand.

As I said, I'm making progress.






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