Chapter 4

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"You always say that." I heard a whiny female voice arguing as we all sat around the table and the cooks served us our plates.

I looked in the direction of the voice, only to see another twin entering the dining room. This time they were males and they looked around my age.  They were deathly handsome, looking like the perfect combination of Luciano and Kelsey.

I knew that wasn't one of them speaking.

I was right, because behind them a blonde girl followed. She had a frown on her face and when Kelsey saw her she scoffed.

Her husband chuckled as she pouted, watching the blonde take a seat around the table.

My mouth dropped and Sally pushed it close when another entered. Triplets.


But this one caught my eye the most. They all looked the same but he seemed different to me. He had a frown on his face as he entered the room. His hair was slightly faded at the side and sported a man bun. With a black pen stuck through it. He was tall and muscular, just like his brothers. Except he looked taller to me. Maybe he was the first born.

One of his brother had his hair cornrowed straight over and the others had four plaits. They all had nice, curly black hair.

"Are you okay, Mariano?" Kelsey asked as her son took a seat around the table.

Mariano. Nice name for a nice looking guy.

"Am good." He replied gruffly.

I just stared at him until the blonde spoke.

"Who are you?" She asked, pointing her finger in my direction. Then everyone's heads turned to me.

I opened my mouth to answer but Sally beat me to it.

"She's Ariel from under the see. So please Ursa, leave her be. " He sassed and his father and mother laughed.

That kinda go hard. Lil Sally got rhymes.

I looked up and my eyes met Mariano's as he stared into my soul. Too bad he can't see through the eyes of a murderer.

Unless he's a murderer himself, which I highly doubted.

"You must be the new nanny. I'm Massimo." One of the triplets introduced and I nodded.

"And I'm Mario." The other smirked, staring intensely at me.

"Perv." His twin sisters said in unison which caused him to look away and sucked his teeth. Massimo just chuckled.

Mariano didn't introduce himself. Just kept staring into my soul.

I just wanted to fart in the fuckers eyes so he'd stop looking at me.

"Let's say grace." Kelsey announced and everyone held hands and closed their eyes.

"Dear Lord, for health and strength and daily food we praise thy name oh lord..." She continued but I had a feeling in my gut that that creepy ass Mariano was still staring at me. So, I opened my eyes. And I was right again.

The man was just staring blatantly at my face. His void of any emotions.

I felt uncomfortable when he looked at me and I looked at him and he just looked at me. So, I did the first thing that came to mind.

I casted my eyes, pushed my tongue out and made an ugly face.

And I was shocked when he laughed out loud in the middle of grace. I looked around frantically, trying to see if anyone saw us but their eyes remained closed.

All except Luciano. He had one eye open and stared from Mariano to me with a sly smirk on his face.

I quickly shut my eyes, just in time for the prayer to end.

"Amen." We all said in unison before we started eating.

I watched, intrigued as little Sally fed himself. The boy was so independent at such a young age. I went to wipe his mouth when the blonde spoke again.

"So what do you do?" She asked and I frowned.

Why can't I eat in peace.

"I kill people." I retorted blankly and she gasped.

"And eat them." I added.

"OMFG. You're a cannibal." She stated in a shocked tone and I nodded, sticking my fork into the juicy piece of steak.

That shut her up for the rest of dinner and I'm glad to say she didn't even look my way.

Sally whisper to me that she was Mariano's girlfriend. And judging by the way he was feeling up on him there was no denying it. I even found out that Massimo and Mario shared the same girlfriend. This was indeed a crazy family. But I must admit I really liked it there.

After dinner, Kelsey helped me settle in my room before we made it back to the living room. When we got there she released a tired sigh and dropped herself on the couch.

I could tell she was exhausted.

"My feet are killing me." She sobbed and I looked down to see that they were swollen. As if he could sense it, in came Luciano and swooped up his wife. Holding her like a baby.

"Let me fix that." He cooed taking her upstairs.

She grinned at me over his shoulders and stuck out her tongue, swiftly licking at the air.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's time for bed. Please help me get ready." Sally smiled up at me and I took him up, then headed for his room.

I really like this family. And I loved the change of environment.

I hope those maggots are eating out your eyes Peter.






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