Chapter 21

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"Please tell me you're kidding." I begged Dmitri as he twirled a strand of my hair around his index finger.

Throughout his explanation, he'd moved closer and closer until he was standing directly before me. His body mere centimeters from mine and a soft smirk playing on his plump pink lips.

"I kid you not, flower." He whispered, staring into my eyes.

"I don't believe you." I retorted, unable to process the information I had just received.

"You better believe it." Dmitri chuckled, his hand cupping my cheek and massaging it with his thumb.

"M.. mafia?" I stuttered, repeating what he had said to me. Honestly, I had my suspicions at first. But this was a bit unexpected.

"Yes, doll. M.. mafia." Dmitri mimicked, a sly smile spreading across his well defined face.

"But don't worry, I'm sure Mariano had planned on telling you. Probably just got caught up in a lot of work load. A lot has been going on recently." He continued, I nodded, not knowing what else to say. I was still processing the information.

"Orrrr........," Mitri drawled, forcing my gaze to meet his as he lowered his hand from my cheek and slipped it into his pocket. "Maybe he was never planning on telling."

To be honest, I didn't resent him for not telling me. That would've been a big decision to make if he'd ever decided to. I mean, he really doesn't owe me an explanation for anything related to his work, especially when it's something so big of a secret. As long as my life wasn't at risk, I was ok.

I was living a much better life here than I'd been living the past few years. I was happy, and I had individuals around who cared for me. I had a family and most of all I felt safe and loved.

"Maybe he's not that serious about you, flower. I mean, those aren't the type of secrets you keep from a woman you are serious about or emotionally intimate with." Dmitri's words were menacing, but convincing.

It's as if he was trying to conjure a reaction from me. And I must admit, he was almost successful.


But I knew manipulation well. Getting into people's heads, planting doubt filled seed that'd grow into fruits of untrustworthiness.

He was a master manipulator. Although he hadn't said a lot, the way he said it was what you had to watch out for. Those words dripped from his tantalizing lips, triggering a swirl of different emotions. I knew what he was trying to do, but I'd play along.

I'd manipulate him into thinking he's manipulating me.

As if concerned by the things he said, a look of frustration crossed my face. Then it metamorphosed into doubt.

I doubted my relationship with Mariano. I doubted our feelings for each other. Was it real. Were our feelings only temporary guests that'd soon disappear into the night, leaving us with only memories but never the feelings they beheld.

Dmitri chuckled, his eyes bearing fake pity. He moved back just a bit, his gaze wandering across my face. Then returned to his original position.

"He's done this before you know." He pressed. "It's quite a habit that he inherited from his papa dearest. They use women and then dispose of them."

I winced at the word dispose. Everyone knew the mafia definition of dispose.

"But I'd never do that to you." Dmitri chimed. "I'd take such good care of you, my love. I'd give you anything your sweet little heart desires. Love, wealth and most of all honesty."

I would have folded, immediately. If, he wasn't trying to manipulate me.

"You would?" I asked, giving him my soft brown eyes. Just the way men like them, fuck me eyes.

"Without a doubt, dear. You ask and it shall be done. I'd worship you, woman. For you are a beauty that should be praised." His words indeed had an impact on me, even more as his hand moved to my cheek again.

I bit my bottom lip, looking innocent and flustered. Only for him to slowly remove it from between my teeth with his thumb.

His head lowered to my ear and I almost moaned when his warm breath fanned my neck. My body stilled as he inhaled my scent.

"I know what you're doing, flower." The words were low and menacing, sending and shiver up my spine as cold bumps rose on my skin.

The hair on the back of my neck stood straight as my nipples tightened beneath Mariano's shirt.

Oh Mariano. 

"You are so gullible, princess. Thinking you can manipulate me into believing that I've manipulated you. When you're the one being manipulated into thinking you could manipulate me." Dmitri chuckled beside my ear as my body didn't dare to move a muscle.


"You're a smart girl, pretty flower. But I'm smarter. I might not be the smartest but I know that smart way into outsmarting smart people is to lead them to believe that they can, or have outsmarted you." He continued.

Eh eh.

"My intention was never to manipulate you, I knew there was a high chance you wouldn't be manipulated. But I like to play games, flower. And you, are my favorite fucking game." My knees almost buckled when he finished his statement and planted a soft kiss on my neck.

I didn't know how longer I could hold on. I was slipping, slipping hard.

So fucking hard.

I had to get out of there. I needed to breed. No, I mean breathe. Yes, yes breathe.

Oxygen. Oxygen.

My legs, I beg. They were planted like a tree by the rivers of Babylon. I couldn't move.

I attempted to make a run for it, but was stopped before my feet could leave the ground when Dmitri trapped me against the counter.

His hand found my chin, tilting my head to look into his sex raged eyes. I need Mariano.

Seconds later, his lips were lowering. Lower and lower until they found mine.

His were soft, so freaking soft. They reminded me of Mariano's. Oh Mariano.

I didn't want to run anymore. How could I, I was melting beneath his touch.

And that was when I found myself kissing him back.





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