Chapter 37 - Ghost Town(?)

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As much as you'd loved visiting your grandparents, you needed to get back on the road as soon as possible. And after hearing of yet more murderers in the area, you were disinclined to mosey about. You had enough trouble dealing with these idiots as it was - there was no way you could house three more of them.

But apparently fate was a sadist, and you were the target of that fetish. The world always seemed to know exactly how to get you in trouble.

So, a day after the police officer had come knocking on the door, you had started packing up to go. Pop-pop and Gran-gran wished you well with hugs and pancakes, and then sent you and your friends on your merry ways.

Now you were driving along the highway trying to find a place to stop for gas. The other car followed yours down the long stretches of road. In the car next to you, a rowdy group of teens was shouting about a football game.

You noticed they split off at an exit, and saw that if you did the same you'd be able to get gas, so off you went.

The gas station was just any old gas station, and these teens were any old teens. It was comforting to see something so normal when compared to the strange events that had been thrown your way as of late.

As you filled your gas tank, you heard one of the teens start shouting about something. Something about how there was so much traffic they would never make it to the game in time. You honestly agreed. It wasn't horrific, but it was enough to hold you up reasonably badly.

Whatever the case, they drove off, and you were about ready to do the same. Before you could leave, you needed to run inside the mini mart to grab snacks for the long drive you were about to take up towards Colorado. You could've skipped Colorado on most normal occasions, but this was meant to be at least partially a sight-seeing trip.

Honestly, that was the whole point of going on a road trip instead of just flying up to Canada to see the damn house. You already knew you wanted to move into it, so it wasn't like you were making that decision unfounded. You also didn't really trust moving companies very much. Especially when they were so expensive despite doing a service that you and your friends were doing better and faster than they would.

Well, faster if you didn't have to keep stopping to collect murderers like... Pokemon? That didn't exist in 1980, but still, it kind of holds true, right? Yeah. Pokemon. Gotta kill 'em all, I guess. But seriously, you probably would have been two thirds of the way to Montreal right now if it weren't for the constant inconveniences you were running into.

But that aside. You needed to get snacks. So, you asked everyone what they wanted, and ran off into the store, leaving them to sit in their cars and wait.

While checking out, you noticed a travel brochure for some odd-ball attractions around where you were. And though the sensible part of you urged yourself not to take one - knowing it would likely lead to more trouble - you decided not to listen to that intelligent part of you and take the brochure nonetheless.

You glanced through it curiously. A few plantations to see, an odd recommended restaurant or two, but nothing very interesting.

However, one place caught your eye.


A wax museum, huh? That could be interesting. And besides, you weren't really in a rush. The traffic hadn't cleared. Maybe this would be a nice way to pass the time while you waited for traffic to move along.

So, with a bag of snacks in one hand, and a brochure in the other, you made your way back to the cars.

You handed out their snacks, and explained the idea you had. No objections came, so you got back into your cars and followed the map on the brochure towards Ambrose.

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