Chapter 36 - Sorry, Officer

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(A/N - I'm so super sorry It's been almost a week since I last uploaded! I've been super busy the last few days. I'll do my best to upload as much as I can, but please understand if I can't upload every day. Thanks and, as always, please enjoy the story!)

You lifted your head from your pillow to see sunlight streaming into your room. The clock on the bedside table read half past noon. You groaned and crawled out of bed. Downstairs you could hear your friends and grand-parents up and moving around. They were laughing about something you didn't know. Good. You were glad they were getting along.

You stepped out of your room into the hallway. Each step down the staircase woke you up more and more. That, coupled with the noise, was enough for you to be fully up and running when you got to the living room.

Everyone was cleaning up from breakfast by now. You felt slightly bad you'd been asleep the whole time, but perhaps you just needed the rest that badly. After all, you hadn't gotten a lot of sleep as of late due to all the uhm... drama.

You gran-gran was cleaning up the dishes while Pop-pop got ready for work. He could've retired years ago, but he enjoyed his work far too much for that. Your gran-gran saw you and smiled. She put down the dish she was washing and dried her hands, before wrapping you in a hug.

"Morning, Gran-gran."

"Oh, I'm so happy to see you, dear!" She was practically shouting at the top of her lungs. Gran-gran was alway a little loud and energetic when she woke up.

"Happy to see you too. Sorry I slept in so late. It's been a dramatic couple of weeks, and I haven't had much time to rest." Well, that was sort of an understatement, but your grandparents would probably have heart attacks from all the things that had happened to you.

"Oh, it's alright, sweetie. Go sit at the table and I'll heat up your breakfast in the microwave."

"Cool." You sat down at the dining room table and stared off mindlessly into the distance. That was, at least, until you heard a girlish screech from the living room.

You raised your head to see Freddy running into the dining room and grabbing a knife.


You weren't sure what had happened, but that didn't seem good. You jumped from your seat and ran after him as he sped into the living room. You stopped when you saw why he was screaming. Pop-pop was laying on the floor, covered in... shitty red dollar store paint? Really? Okay then. And Diamond stood over him with a broken paint brush.

"Oh for [deity]'s sake..." It was just a prank. Wait, didn't Freddy kill people all the time? Why was he freaking out about this?

Then you looked around and saw the most likely actual cause for it. There was someone knocking on the door. Probably the mail-man or something. Freddy wasn't scared so much as he was excited. He probably just wanted the chance to kill someone.

Oh well.

"Freddy, don't kill the person at the door unless you have to, okay? And guys, use corn syrup next time. A little red food coloring, and bam. You've got fake blood. Now go clean up while I get the door. And Freddy, go put back the knife. Those are Gran-Gran's nice kitchen knives."

Freddy, Diamond, and Pop-pop all moped at their fun being ruined, but complied, knowing it was because you had to answer the door and didn't want to terrify whoever it was ringing the doorbell.

You pulled open the front door to see a police officer. Oh shit.

"Uhm, hello sir? Can I help you at all?"

"Yes ma'am. I just wanted to ask if you'd seen these people?" The officer held up three photos of men you'd never seen before. You took them and inspected them, just to be sure, but you found nothing.

The first was of a rather built man in a blue mechanics suit. He was wearing a baseball cap over well done-up brown hair. He looked rather... ah, what's the right word? Brash? Yes, that seemed about right. A little sassy. In short, he looked like a bitch.

The second photo was of a very different looking person. Still a man, you were pretty sure. He had long black hair that flowed down almost to his waist. An oddly human looking mask covered his face. In fact, the mask was so human it was almost uncomfortable. His clothes consisted of an off-white turtleneck and brown pants. Nothing fancy. He was very pretty, at least.

The third and final picture was of a lanky guy who looked like he hadn't showered in months. Really. He looked like he rolled around in the mud for fun. Of course, there was always the possibility he did, so you couldn't be one to judge. He looked silly.

But you knew none of them. You searched your mind and came up with nothing.

"No, sorry, I don't recognize them. May I ask why you're trying to find them?"

The officer gave you a grim look, "They're the Sinclair Brothers. They're murderers."

You stared slack-jawed for a moment, "...oh."

"They've been around for a while. Odd you've never heard of them..." The officer eyed you suspiciously.

"Well, I'm not local, so... I'm visiting for a few days because I'm on a road trip. Started in California, and headed up to Canada."

The officer nodded, "Ah. That makes sense. Alright then. You have a nice day, miss."

"You too." You shut the door and groaned.

Great. Drama was on the horizon yet again, wasn't it?

Oh well. You would just have to pray you wouldn't need another car.

[Words: 924]

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