The Rainbow River

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The turtles, April and Casey, were still trying to find their way to the Encanto. But they couldn't find it. And they were all very tired from walking.

"Oh, I'm tired," Mikey whined as he fell onto the ground. "I don't wanna walk anymore...can we stop?"

"Okay, we'll stop and rest," said Donnie, sitting on a rock.

"We've been walking forever. Why's that Encanto place so hard to find?" Raph complained.

"Maybe it's hidden?" guessed April.

Raph raised a brow at her. "Did you REALLY just say that?"

"What? It's possible," April said, folding her arms.

"I'll check Google maps and see where it might-" Casey opened his phone and looked at the signal. "Dang it, no bars!"

"I have one bar," said Donnie as he opened his shell cell.

"Well, that works," Casey rolled his eyes.

Donnie opened Google maps but there was no signal. "Great no signal," he groaned.

"I can't get it either," groaned Leo, looking at his shell cell.

"Great, just great," complained Raph. "We're in the middle of nowhere and we have no signal."

"Come on, guys, we gotta keep going," said Leo as he kept walking and his brothers and friends followed him.

After a few hours, Donnie noticed something. "Um isn't that the same tree we passed?"

The others looked. "Yeah it IS the same tree," said Mikey.

"We must've gone in a circle," Casey said.

"Ugh, great, we're completely lost, Tamatoa is probably thinking of a plan to kill Mirabel and we have NO SIGNAL!"

Then Donnie remembered something. "Hey, Raph, you have super seeing powers right?"

"Yes why?" asked Raph.

"Well, couldn't you just look around to see where Mirabel's home is?" asked Donnie.

"Yeah, I could," said Raph.

He went to a tree and started to climb up it. Once on top, he looked around. When he looked toward the mountains he looked carefully and his vision zoomed out and he could see the Encanto.

"Whoa!" Raph gasped before calling down to the others. "Hey you guys, I see another village!"

"You do?" Leo called back.

Raph slid down the trunk. "Yeah."

"How far, Raph," asked April.

"In that direction," said Raph, pointing ahead. "About ten miles or so."

"Aww, ten miles?" whined Mikey. "More walking? Isn't there an easier way."

April spotted a river nearby. "I think there is," she said.

"What's that?" asked Donnie.

"The river," said April. "I read in a book once that if you're lost in the wilderness you should follow the river. Rivers lead to salvation."

"Great idea, girl," said Casey, smiling.

"Let's move," said Leo.

With that, gang followed the river, hoping to find the Encanto before Tamatoa did.

The turtles and the humans were following the river until they reached the place where Mirabel's grandfather was killed and the miracle was born.

"Whoa, a rainbow river? It's so colourful," said Mikey in amazement.

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