Right Here

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The next day Mirabel was in the living room, reading a book. Suddenly she heard yelling coming from the dojo. She went to look and saw that Raph and sparing, but they were also shouting at each other.

"Why do you always have to be so perfect, Leo?" Raph growled. "Always the daddy's boy?"

"I'm not a daddy's boy, Raph. I just want to be the perfect leader," Leo said.

Watching this, reminded Mirabel of her fight with Isabela.

"Perfect leader," Raph mocked his brother's tone. "Yeah, ever since you returned home from Central America, you've been nothing but a bossy boots."

Mirabel could see Leo was getting angry.

"Enough, Raph," Leo said as he started to walk out of the room.

"Why? Why do you never think about the rest of us?! You're not the only one with the problems, you selfish spoiled turtle!" Raph yelled.

Hearing Raph call Leo "selfish", made Mirabel gasp in horror. She remembered she called Isabela "selfish".

Leo gasped and glared at Raph. "Selfish?! I've been trying to be a better leader, my whole entire life and all you've done is mess things up!" shouted Leo.

"You're the one who messes up, Splinter Jr.!" shouted Raph.

"Stop calling me that!" Leo shouted at his younger brother and ran out.

Mirabel ran after Leo. "Leo! Wait!" she called.

Leo stopped dead, terrified. 'Did she hear me and Raph?' he thought in terror. 'Oh god, she's totally gonna hate me.' "Um hi, Mirabel," he said nervously.

"What happened between you and Raph?" asked Mirabel.

Leo didn't want to tell Mirabel, but he knew he couldn't lie to her. "Raph was annoyed because he keeps saying I'm Splinter's favourite and says I'm always perfect. I never wanted to be perfect. Ever since I returned from a training period, I've tried to be a good leader, but I always fail," Leo looked down sadly.

Mirabel knew how the need to be perfect felt. Leo was feeling trapped by his leadership, just like Isabela felt about her perfection.

She came close to him and hugged him. Leo stiffened. He felt a hot blush on his cheeks.

"You shouldn't put so much on your shoulders. You're perfect the way you are," Mirabel said.

Leo wrapped his arms around Mirabel and let all his emotions out on her. "I just want to be a good big brother," he sobbed.

Mirabel shushed him. "I know that feeling," she said. "Isabela and I didn't get along and seeing you and Raph fighting me think of my relationship with Isabela."

They pulled away and Leo wiped his eyes with his hands. "You and Isabela had fights like me and Raph?" he asked.

"Yes," said Mirabel. "But after Tio Bruno's vision, I suggested she and I hug out our differences."

Leo thought about it. "So should Raph and me hug it out two?" he asked.

"A warm embrace always cures being upset," said Mirabel. "Just know, Leo, that if you ever feel like you need to talk, I'm right here."

Leo felt better. "You really mean that, Mirabel?" he asked.

"I do," said Mirabel as music played and she sang a song.

MIRABEL: I'll be right here
Where you
Need me
Any time just keep
And I'll be,
Right here
If you ever
Need a friend
Someone to
Care and
I'll be,
Right here
All you have to do
Is call my name
No matter how
Close or far away
Ask me once
And I'll come
I'll come running
And when I can't be with you
Dream me near
Kee me in your heart
And I'll appear
All you gotta do
Is turn around
Close your eyes
Look inside
I'm right here
Isn't it great
That you know that
I'm ready to go
Wherever you're at
I'll be there
All you have to do
Is call my name
No matter how
Close or far away
Ask me once
And I'll come
I'll come running
And when I can't be with you
Dream me near
Keep me in your heart
And appear
All you gotta do
Is turn around
Close your eyes
Look inside
I'm right here
Whenever you need me
There's no need to worry
You know that
I'm gonna be
Right here
Ask me once
And I'll come
I'll come running
And when I can't be with you
Dream me near
Keep me in your heart
And I'll appear
All you gotta do
Is turn around
Close your eyes
Look inside
I'm right here
Yeah, yeah
I'm right here

"Feel better now?" asked Mirabel after her song.

"Yes, thank you, Mirabel," Leo said, feeling grateful. "I really needed that."

"You're welcome, Leo," said Mirabel. "And don't worry. I'll have a chat with Senor Mal Genio for you."

With that, Mirabel ran to the dojo to talk to Raph. Then she saw him wearing a metal suit.

'Que en el mundo?' thought Mirabel.

Raph put on a metal helmet and slipped out of the lair. Suspicious, Mirabel followed after Raph.

A Mirabelnardo Love Story 💕Where stories live. Discover now