Tamatoa's Attack 😱

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"Aww isn't this adorable?" asked a voice.

Bonita went into a tense position and made a squeaky growl-like squawk. Mirabel gasped and froze in place. Leo's eyes widened in shock.

"Stay behind me," he told his girlfriend while pulling out his katanas.

Tamatoa stood on the ground with his giant ugly head towering over the young couple and the baby hippogriff.

"Mirabel, Leonardo," said the black dragon with an evil smirk, showing his sharp yellow fangs. "I knew I'd find the two of you here."

Bonita growled a second time.

"What you doing here, Tamatoa?" Leo demanded.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to take back the girl," the dragon answered sneering.

Mirabel felt scared. Who knew what the monster might do to her.

"Well, you're NOT having her!" Leo yelled.

"Come at me then....little one," said Tamatoa, getting into a fighting position.

Bonita was scared about what might happen, so she flew all the way back to the lair.

Leo charged at Tamatoa. The beast dodged the attacks and struck Leo down with his tail.

"Leo!" Mirabel cried as she ran to her boyfriend and knelt by his side.

"Don't worry about your little friend," said Tamatoa with another smirk. "He is simply unconscious."

Mirabel growled and glared at Tamatoa with rage. "How dare you hurt my boyfriend, you monster."

Tamatoa laughed. "Aww, how sweet! You're dating this little freak?"

Mirabel stood up, still glaring at the dragon. "Shut up!" she yelled.

As she said the words, a glowing butterfly shone on her chest and her body glowed.

Leo woke up and saw his girlfriend glowing. "Whoa..."

"W-what are you doing?" Tamatoa gasped in shock.

Suddenly a blast of magic shot out from Mirabel's body and pushed back Tamatoa. The dragon screamed as he flew through the air and landed with a loud crash.

The gold light faded into Mirabel as Leo stood up. Mirabel hugged him.

"You're okay," she whispered as Leo hugged her back.

"I'm just glad YOU'RE okay," he said, stroking her hair with his hand.

They hugged for a moment and pulled away. "We'd better get somewhere else. It's not safe," he said.

"Okay," said Mirabel.

Back in the sewers, Raph woke up to Mikey yelling. "DUDES!!!! LEO AND MIRABEL ARE MISSING!!!!"

"What?" Raph shot out of bed and ran into the living room to see the others were all hurrying there too.

"Mikey, what do you mean they're missing?" Raph asked.

"I mean they're missing!" Mikey snapped.

"Missing from the lair or you can't find them anywhere?" asked Donnie.

"I looked outside," said the orange-masked turtle.

Splinter became worried for his eldest son and his girlfriend. "Who knows what would happen to them? We must find them at once."

"But where could they have gone?" Raph asked.

"Leo probably just thought he needed to exercise and Mirabel probably went with him," Donnie said.

Suddenly there was a squawking sound. Seconds later, Bonita flew in as fast as her tiny wings could carry her. She looked terrified and her little body was trembling in fear.

"Bonita?" asked the red, purple and orange-masked turtles in confusion.

"What's the matter, little one?" asked Splinter.

Bonita began using jesters to tell the three younger turtles and their father what happened. But they couldn't understand what she was trying to tell them.

"Oh, I love charades!" said Mikey and began guessing what the hippogriff was doing. "A bird.....a plane.....Superman?"

"I think she's trying to say that a bird attacked her?" wondered Donnie.

Bonita facepalmed into her claw and closed her eyes.

"Why don't you just write it down?" asked Mikey.

"She doesn't know how to read or write," Donnie reminded his little brother.

"Oh right..." Mikey remembered.

"How about drawing?" Raph asked. "Can you draw out what you're trying to say, girl?"

Bonita flew into Mikey's bedroom and came back holding a canvas in her claws and a pencil in her beak. She put the canvas on the ground and began to draw what had happened on the rooftops. Donnie studied the drawings carefully.

"Tamatoa......Leonardo......Mirabel......rooftop......attack......oh! Tamatoa attacked Leo and Mirabel on the rooftops?" Donnie gasped.

"But why?" Mikey asked.

Bonita drew Tamatoa torturing Mirabel.

"Because he wants to do something bad to Mirabel?!" Donnie gasped in shock.

"Donatello, call April and Casey," Splinter ordered. "Tell them to meet us on the rooftops. We're gonna find your brother and Mirabel."

'Yes, Sensei," said Donnie, grabbing his shell cell and dyling.

"Let's gear up," said Raph.

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