Tamatoa's Attack

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Before the Madrigals could go outside, a huge beast reared up onto the roof, causing it to break. The family gasped in shock and horror.

"Tamatoa?!" Mirabel cried.

Antonio hid behind Isabela and clung onto her dress. Bonita went into a tense position and growled threateningly.

"Mirabel..." Tamatoa smirked evilly. "I had a feeling I'd find you here. What a lovely family you have."

"Go away, you monster! Don't bother us!" shouted Julieta.

Tamatoa just laughed at her. "Well, I'm not listening to you, old woman!"

"Hey, don't you talk to my wife like that!" shouted Agustin.

"I can talk to anyone anyway I want," Tamatoa answered with a smirk.

Everything and everyone went in slow motion as music began to play and Mirabel began to sing.

MIRABEL: Written in stone
Every rule
Every word
Centuries old
And unbending
"Stay in your place"
"Better seen
And not heard"
But now
That story is
'Cause I
I cannot
Start to
So come on
And try
Try to shut me
And cut me
I won't be
You can't keep
Me quiet
Won't tremble
When you try it
All I know
Is I won't go
Let the storm in
I cannot be
I won't live
'Cause I know
That I go
Try to
Lock me in this cage
I won't just
Lay me down
And die
I will take
These broken wings
And watch me
Burn across the sky
Hear the echo
I won't be
Through you
Wanna see me
Tremble When
You try it
All I know
Is I won't go
'Cause I'll breath
When they try
To suffocate
Don't you
'Cause I know
I won't go
All I know
Is I won't go

Knowing that Tamatoa wouldn't stop at nothing, Mirabel ran toward him. "CASITA! GET ME UP THERE!!!" she ordered.

Casita brought a railing and lowered it to the ground. Mirabel began to climb up to the roof. Camilo ran to help his cousin, but the roof began to fall. The shapeshifting boy used his powers to get past the debris. Isabela grabbed hold of a flower vine and swung up onto the roof. Antonio, Dolores, and Luisa ran up to the roof.

The butterfly girl made it onto the roof and ran in front of the monster. The roof began to break up and fall to the ground. Julieta tried to run to get her daughter, but Casita pushed her towards the door with the tiles.

"MIRABEL!! MIRABEL!!!!" she screamed.

"MIRABEL!!" screamed the black-haired man. "YOU HAVE TO GET OUT!!!!"

Casita pushed the grown-ups out to safety. In the nursery, Tulip was woken up by the racket and began to cry. Casita bounced her out of her crib and into a basket and moved her through the hallways, down the stairs and out the front door into safety.

Tamatoa loomed over Mirabel and smiled evilly at her. "I've been waiting for you, Mirabel. Soon, your Encanto will be infested by my powers, and there's no stopping them."

"I will NOT be encased by you, Tamatoa!" shouted Mirabel. "THIS-ENDS-HERE!!!!"

"So your family decided to let you fight alone against me? Such a lack of choice," sneered Tamatoa.

Before he could do anything, Antonio threw a roof tile at him. The big dragon glared at him and snarled. "You are a very bad dragon," said the animal boy, pointing a finger at Tamatoa.

"I have no regrets," scoffed Tamatoa, and he lunged at the animal boy, but Mirabel pushed him out of the way. "Mirabel!"

Suddenly, Isabela came swinging on her vine, holding Dolores' hand. "YA!!!" yelled the super-hearing girl as she kicked Tamatoa in the side of the head.

"GRRR!" roared the dragon in rage.

"What are you guys doing?" asked Mirabel as she held Antonio in her arms.

"Helping?" Isabela asked from her vine.

Suddenly, Luisa and Camilo arrived. The shapeshifting boy did some dance moves while shapeshifting, and the strong girl carried a large bolder over her head. She threw it at the monster's face, but it broke into pieces.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE!!!!" roared Tamatoa in anger.

Outside, the grown-ups looked up at the roof and watched what was happening. "MIRABEL!!!" screamed the healing chef woman.

"ANTONIO!!! CAMILO!!! DOLORES!!!" weather woman screamed in terror.

"LUISA!!! ISABELA!!!" the black-haired man screamed.

"KIDS!!! GET AWAY FROM THE MONSTER NOW!!!!" screamed the black man.

Frightened, Antonio hid his face in Mirabel's chest, waiting for the impact. Suddenly, a golden butterfly shone on her chest, and her body glowed with a bright golden glow.


Magic blew throughout the Encanto, and butterflies flew everywhere. Tamatoa was blown away as if he had been shot out of a cannon, and so were the young Madrigals.

People from the village came to see what happened. Senora Osma helped Abuela up, and the Flores family helped Julieta, Pepa, Bruno, Agustin, and Felix. Abuela Guzman, Mariano's mother, held little Tulip in her arms, rocking her and shushing her gently.

Bonita flew onto the roof, trying to find Mirabel, her sisters, and cousins. But they were nowhere in sight. The baby hippogriff made squawking like sobs. She flew down to Julieta and perched on her shoulder. She squawked tearfully and pointed a claw to the roof.

"The kids?" Julieta panicked. "Where are they?"

From the mountains, the calls from the grown-ups could be heard.

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