Meeting Casey And April

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Later that night in the lair, Mirabel was on the couch. She pulled the pillowcase, she embroidered for Leo, over the pillow. She examined it, smiling. 'Leo's gonna love this,' she thought. As she reached for her tea, on the table, she didn't notice that the embroidered snowflakes flashed with golden lights with the touch of her hand.

As Mirabel sipped her tea she heard the turtles and Splinter talking in the dojo. Surprisingly, she heard two other voices.

"We missed you so much," Mikey said excitedly.

"Aww we missed you guys too," said a female voice.

"So how was LA?" asked Leo.

"We're great fun," said a male voice. "There was so much to see and do. But there was something we missed when we were there."

"What's that, Casey?" asked Donnie curiously.

"Our best friends of course," said the woman and there came the sound of laughing.

Mirabel got off the couch and stood by the dojo door. She peaked around the door and saw the turtles laughing and getting a hug from a young woman with red hair and a young man with dark blue hair. 'They have two other human friends?' thought Mirabel.

As the turtles and the humans pulled away from the hug, the man noticed Mirabel, by the door. "Who's that?"

The turtles looked.

"Oh hey, Mirabel, come in," said Mikey.

Mirabel walked in. The young couple were amazed to see her.

"Whoa..." the man gushed in amazement.

"Oh my god," said the woman.

"Yeah, Casey, April, this is-" Leo started before getting interrupted by April. "It's her, I can't believe it's her."

"I can't either," Casey added.

"You already know them, M?" asked Donnie confused.

Mirabel shook her head with a no. "Never saw them before."

"April, what are you talking about?" Raph asked her.

"I saw her two days when I was closing my shop for the night and I saw a light coming from a tree," she explained. "I went to see and then SHE appeared from the tree."

Mirabel was surprised that she had been watched and had not noticed. The turtles were very surprised at this as well.

"I thought she was a fairy or something," continued April.

"I'm not a fairy," said Mirabel. "I'm just a normal girl."

Casey looked unconvinced. "Well, fairies appear from glowing lights. How else could you have appeared here?"

"I...don't...know," said Mirabel.

"This is Mirabel Madrigal," Leo introduced, wanting to change the subject. "Mirabel, these are our two friends April and Casey."

"Hi," Mirabel waved.

"Nice to meet you, Mirabel," said April smiling. "I love your dress."

"Thanks," said Mirabel blushing.

"How did you guys meet her?" Casey asked.

"We met her in an alleyway, the same night you saw her," said Donnie.

"And we brought here," Raph added.

Then Splinter came in. "April, Casey." The two humans walked over to him and hugged him. He hugged back. "Nice to see you."

"You two, Sensei," April said.

"Missed ya, Master," said Casey.

The three pulled away and Splinter noticed Mirabel. "I see you both met Mirabel."

"Yeah she's cool," said Casey.

"Master Splinter, there's something I want to tell's about Mirabel," said April excitedly.

Splinter chuckled and said. What is it, April?"

April whispered in his ear. "Really?" he asked.

She nodded.

"I like her already," said Casey. "It's awesome to meet new friends."

Mirabel giggled. She was really starting to like them.

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