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At the dinner table, Abuela and Bruno were catching up after ten years of not seeing each other.

"You really had been in the walls all this time?" asked Abuela.

Bruno nodded. "Si, you know the mountains around the Encanto are pretty tall and...it was for Mirabel."

While they were talking, Mirabel kept her eyes on Dolores. The super-hearing girl drummed her fingers on the leg of her glass, staring back at her cousin, daring not to blink.

"I understand, Bruno," said the old woman. "Now let's have this be a perfect night. Solute!"

"Solute!" the rest of the family (except Mirabel and Dolores) cheered raising a glass or cup.

Mirabel and Dolores stared at each other for a few seconds before Bruno past a cup of fruit to Mirabel. "Avocado?"

Mirabel grabbed it and peaked to catch Dolores, whispering in Camilo's ear. "Mirabel's pregnant with a mutant."

Dolores noticed she had been caught and turned back to Mirabel, nudging her brother and making him shapeshift. First into Mirabel and then Bruno and finally himself with his face looking weird.

"Camilo, fix your face," Felix hissed and Camilo shook his head and his face went back to normal. He stared at Mirabel in shock.

"Water?" Isabela past a yellow water jug to her sister.

Mirabel grabbed it and looked to see Camilo whispering into his dad's ear as he drank a glass of water. "Mirabel's pregnant with a mutant."

Felix was so shocked he spat out the water across the table. The others looked at him in confusion. The black man cleared his throat.

"Um, Mirabel," said Abuela, getting her granddaughter's attention. "The cream please?"

Mirabel turned to her father. "Ba...the cream?"

Agustin chuckled nervously and handed his daughter the cream. As Mirabel passed the cream to Isabela, she caught Felix whispering into his wife's ear. "Mirabel's pregnant with a mutant."

Pepa stared at Mirabel in shock as a thundercloud formed above her head. Mirabel gulped in terror.

"Pepa," Abuela hissed gently. "The cloud."

"Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies," the red-haired woman whispered in a in panic as she soothed her fingers through her braid.

Mirabel looked at the cloud for one second and looked back at her aunt to see her whispering to her mother. "Mirabel's pregnant with a mutant."

Julieta stared at her daughter in shock. Mirabel drank her orange juice and looked down at the floor.

"Mirabel," Bruno asked, startling her. "Everything okay?"

"Oh, she's just happy that we're all together again," Agustin said as Mirabel smiled nervously.

Isabela smirked playfully. "You're thinking of something."

As Mirabel gulped in fear while smiling, Bonita squeezed out of Agustin's pocket and snatched the locket and the pregnancy test while squawking loudly and making everyone gasp.

"What is going on?" Abuela Alma gasped.

Dolores blurted out. "Mirabel DID meet a mutant, she DID fall in love with him, she's pregnant with his child and it's gonna be a MUTAAAAAAAANT!!!!!!!!"

Bonita flew in front of Abuela and showed the necklace and the pregnancy test. Abuela stared at the photo and the test in shock. Everyone turned to stare at Mirabel, shock on their faces. A raincloud formed and rain came pelting down.

Ashamed and embarrassed, Mirabel ran upstairs.

A Mirabelnardo Love Story 💕Where stories live. Discover now