Abuelo Pedro

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A week passed since Splinter was killed and everyone was missing them. But they kept on doing the things he loved to honour him.

Today, Bonita was standing against the wall where Splinter used to measure his sons to see how much they grew, while Mikey drew a line with a pink crayon.

"Look how much you've grown," gasped Mikey.

Bonita took a look and squawked happily with excitement.

"She's only grown two inches you know," said Leo.

"Yeah, but she IS growing up," said the orange-masked turtle.

Donnie yawned. "Well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

"So am I," said Raph.

Leo and Mirabel kissed.

"Goodnight," Leo said.

"Goodnight," Mirabel said.

The two went to their sleeping quarters.

Mirabel tucked Bonita in her little bed before changing into her pyjamas. She took off her glasses and put them on her nightstand. She pulled back the covers on her bed and lay herself down to sleep. Mirabel rested her head on her pillow and she was met with darkness.

She woke up and found herself in a corridor. It looked like the one in her house, yet not so like her house but like the corridor in the lair. She had no idea how she came to be in this corridor.

"Mirabel!" a voice echoed down the corridor.

Mirabel turned around. This is odd, she thought.

"Mirabel!" There it was again.

Mirabel didn't recognise that voice, but it sounded like a man's voice. The girl walked down the corridor to find the source of this voice. She did not see anyone.

"Is anyone here?" Mirabel called down the hall.

"Mirabel!" There it was again, more clearly than before.

Mirabel could tell the voice was reverberating from around a corner at the end of the hall. She went down the hall, curious to see what she would find.

Finally rounding the bend, she gaped in surprise and gasped in disbelief. It was the last thing she would have expected.


Her grandfather stood before Mirabel. The handsome man looked like he had that last fortunate time Abuela Alma had seen him.

Abuelo Pedro looked at Mirabel and smiled warmly at her. "Hola, Mirabel. You've grown so beautiful."

"This can't be real. This must be a dream...a wish," said Mirabel flabbergasted.

"Oh I'm certainly a wish, but I'm real too," said Abuelo.

Mirabel just shook her head at him. She was not willing to believe that it was possible.

"You know the stuff dream are. Look at me and see that I'm NOT those things," Abuelo said.

It was true. Luna knew very well what dreams were. They were cobbled together memories, hopes, inspirations, desires and just a dash of impatience. She signed heavily and took a good look at her grandfather, expecting to find these things in him. She did not find any of them. What she found........was a real person.

Mirabel was breathless in shock. She just gaped wide-eyed at a very real Abuelo Pedro as she tried to compose herself.

"But...it's not possible...you died fifty years ago," she said.

"My soul lived," said Abuelo as if that explained everything. "In death, your soul lives on forever."

Mirabel could do not but accept that a very real Abuelo Pedro was indeed visiting her in her dreams. Mirabel's heart exploded, bursting the dams in her eyes and unleashing the reservoir of her tears. She cried a flood of ten years worth of tears gone unshed.

"Abuelo...was I meant to destroy the magic? I just thought...if I saved the miracle...I could prove I was special..." Mirabel just continued to sob. "Am I not special?"

Abuelo walked up to Mirabel and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "No, Mirabel. You were only trying to help. Your grandmother's broken heart caused her to lose her mind."

Mirabel sniffled. She composed herself. She remembered what Splinter had told her. A broken heart can make you do bad things.

She embraced her grandfather. "Gracias, Abuelo."

Abuelo returned the embrace. "You are the miracle, mi vida."

Mirabel was surprised upon hearing this. "What?"

Abuelo just continued to smile. "When I sacrificed my life, I gave your grandmother a miracle."

"Casita and the gifts?" asked Mirabel.

"Our family."


"The relationship with the ones you love is more important than anything else in the world. Never lose sight of that."

Mirabel was touched by Abuelo's explanation. "I never thought that the miracle was the family and not the powers."

"You never know until you find out," said Abuelo. "Point I'm making, you are our family's only hope in fixing the miracle."

Mirabel just lowered her head sadly. "They're better off without me."

Abuelo frowned sadly. "No...they're not."

"What do you mean?" asked Mirabel in confusion.

"Come with me," Abuelo said.

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